
Carrying the Love Forward

March 26, 2023
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Greetings friends! My mom was forever buying my sister @mariabamfordcomedy and I “good coats” so that in case they died (on vacation), we would be prepared for their funeral. As…

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How to Capture Creative Ideas and Begin a Project

March 20, 2023
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Here is my short list of FEEL GOOD ideas I hope will inspire you! 1. Wrestling butterflies is hard work.  Sometimes I have so many ideas- or whispers of them anyway—-it…

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Living Together Apart: How Sleeping Apart Just Might Improve A Relationship

February 27, 2023
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(image above: My Solo Bedroom) 1. LIVING TOGETHER APART. Last summer I did a series of 100 digital illustrations about self- respecting boundaries.  That 100 days was incredibly potent and happened…

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Declaring Winter is OVER

February 16, 2023
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(original art and prints available HERE) I’m extremely grateful that you have come to visit me here and I dream that what you find here encourages and uplifts you. My…

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It’s time TO OWN

January 25, 2023
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“My Other Mother” When my mom (that’s her mustard jar holding the flowers) was in her dying process we had a stolen moment and she shared with my that she…

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My Fighter Name is SUPERSARAH!

January 19, 2023
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Happy New Year from Us to YOU!  (photo taken by our daughter Josephine!) Here are 5 Things that FEEL GOOD to me, I hope they inspire you too! 1. REDDIT MIGHT…

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Screwing Up Is Sacred

January 4, 2023
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Five FEEL GOOD Ideas from Me! 1. Screwing up is SACRED.  This weekend I was at a spiritual retreat and was reminded of the great sacredness of humor. We had…

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December 22, 2022
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For those of you who are newish here, salutations!  I’m Sarah. I like to thrift hard! Free furniture on the roadside makes my heart go pitter patter and my imagination SOAR.…

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33 things that made my year in 2022

December 11, 2022
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Art by me from my “Summer of No” 100 Day Project!  Find out why I love these projects so much and do one of your own!  Some things about aging…

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The Process of Doing Our Creative Work Alters Us In Beautiful Ways. 

November 27, 2022
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“Your smile reminds me of chrysanthemums on a summer day in early June when they first bloom, you’re beautiful like violets and marigolds and violets in the afternoon. Like the…

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True Confidence Is Moving Forward In Uncertainty.

November 23, 2022
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“Let me keep my distance, always, from those who think they have the answers. Let me keep company always with those who say “Look!” and laugh in astonishment, and bow…

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Daring to be Irrelevant Since 1967

November 17, 2022
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1. DARE TO BE IRRELEVANT.  I have these words pinned to the board above my desk to remind me that I do my best work when I focus on what…

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Mindy Kaling Does It and You Should Too!

November 14, 2022
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1. Your Message to the World is UNIQUE.  12 years ago, I really didn’t have an understanding of my special gifts.  Once I got an inkling of what mine was…

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The One Space in Your Home You Don’t Wan’t to Ignore

November 1, 2022
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This week’s list of 5 things to explore that just might FEEL GOOD…. 1. If there is one space you don’t want to ignore in your home, according to Feng…

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Get Thee A Body Double

October 14, 2022
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Here are 5 FEEL GOOD ideas for you to consider! 1. GET YOURSELF A BODY DOUBLE  A few summers ago, my office was a disaster but I was avoiding working on it. …

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October 14, 2022
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Here are 5 FEEL GOOD ideas for you to consider! 1. It is SUBTRACTION of things that can create more CALM, SERENE SPACES.  In our Tiger’s Nest program for the…

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Boundaries Are Built On Self-Love

September 2, 2022
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By the time you are reading this, I will have my bags packed and I will be anticipating my second journey into the Amazon jungle (GAH!) to sit and study…

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Codependency is SNEAKY and more!

August 29, 2022
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Day 83/100  My Summer of NO: 100 Days of Self-Respecting Boundaries” All the art is made by me using public domain images and procreate app. You can follow me here…

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Daily Love Rituals and More- This Week’s FEELGOOD List

August 22, 2022
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(ART above is from My Summer of No: 100 Days of Self-Respecting Boundaries Project) 1. Quote that I am reflecting on…   “….a final paragraph of advice: do not burn yourselves…

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Take Yourself on a Mini-Pilgrimage and More

August 16, 2022
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Phew! This last week has felt INTENSE!  The astrologers say there is A LOT going on right now in the sky, so it’s a good idea to TAKE IT EASY…

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All About NEAT and Other Things You Need to Know…

August 8, 2022
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(All about #boundaries– a piece from my Project- “My Summer of No: 100 Days of Self-Respecting Boundaries” ) Oooo there were SO MANY good ideas I ran across this week- …

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Subtraction is the most powerful action.

August 3, 2022
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I am recovering from COVID.  I’m out of quarantine and back to work but realizing that I’m still a little weary and in need of taking it S L O…

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My Stone Lamb of Shame

July 26, 2022
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Hello dear creators of wonder and beauty! I’m living with two competing beings inside of me…one is a HIPPIE MAGPIE- attracted to all things beautiful, shiny and colorful…she’s the one…

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A Room of One’s Own

July 26, 2022
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Having as Virginia Woolf wrote, “A room of one’s own..” is so important to the creative and healing process for me. The first space I claimed was around 2007. It…

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Road Trip

July 26, 2022
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Last Friday, I felt a sudden desire for a road trip. Did I want to invite somebody along?  I felt a “no” bubble up from inside. I wanted to go…

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July 11, 2022
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1. Sometimes you practice for years with some sort of slapdash tool and then, one day you get something that uplevels everything!  This is what happened when I got this!  I…

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This Week’s FEEL GOOD List of Things to Explore

July 1, 2022
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Dear Creators of WONDER and MAGIC- I just returned from 4 days in the Boundary Waters Wilderness with three friends and WOW…to be so close to the earth was so…

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This Week’s FEELGOOD List of Things to Explore

June 8, 2022
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That full moon is behind us, let’s water the dream seeds that are still hidden below in the darkness! So much beauty to bring out into the open.  With tender…

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FEEL GOOD LIST and My Summer of NO Project

May 31, 2022
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My Summer of NO: 100 Days of Self-Respecting Boundaries This is the project I’m starting on June 1st! I’ll share what I learn and creat every day. There is still…

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May 19, 2022
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(art and poem by me) 1. I got to interview my friend, shaman Alyson Charles.  She’s got 150K followers for good reason…her Ceremony Circle Podcast  is wonderful! (I HIGHLY RECOMMEND!- start with…

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Serve your soul. Feel good. Learn why this is the most powerful thing you can do.


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Do Beasties have a message for you? Are you irrepressible and born to FREAK?


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