
Maybe You Can Have Your Cake and Eat it Too?

May 2, 2013
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A FEEL GOOD invitation: to consider that you can have your cake AND eat it too:). I used to spend a lot of time in a large doomed place in…

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Tune Out the Loud, Tune Into the Love: Thoughts On Successful Long Term Relationships.

April 4, 2013
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originally published at Maria Shriver’s blog If you’ve been married (or in any long-term, successful relationship) for twenty-plus years, it’s not because you made the perfect choice back in 1990…

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Spring Fever: Level ORANGE, How to Recognize Jonesings That Will Lead to A Heart’s Desire….

March 13, 2013
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I have been noticing a STRONG urge lately to say-  rip out all of the kitchen cabinets, repaint every room in the house, buy a new shower curtain and toss…

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India: My Pilgrimage to the Kumbha Mela 2013 in Video

March 6, 2013
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Puja means honor, worship or devotional attention. I recently returned from an amazing 21 day expedition into India- to the Kumbha Mela- the largest human pilgrimage on earth.   There…

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Born to FREAK: A Salty Primer for Irrepressible Humans, the book has arrived!

December 28, 2012
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With the help of Alice the Elephant, I came to the realization somewhat late in life that I was born to FREAK. It is my dream that by confessing my…

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Shamanic Healing by Sarah Seidelmann

November 27, 2012
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On Shamanic Healing:   In 2010, I decided to make Shamanism a large part of my life: to be a healer and to share Shamanism with others.  I’ve completed the…

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Jaimal Yogis Interviews Sarah Seidelmann MD About Leaving Her Career in Medicine for Shamanic Healing.

November 26, 2012
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Originally published at The Fear Project. Written by Jaimal Yogis. Part of my research for The Fear Project has been interviewing leading neuroscientists, MDs, and psychologists about how fear works…

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What The Walrus Knows App for iPhone/iPad is here: Animal Totems at Your Fingertips.

September 26, 2012
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My life has undergone some pretty dramatic changes in the last several years and it was so much more effortless and joyful when I paid attention to the messages that…

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Being An Adoptive Mother and Learning to Let Go.

September 16, 2012
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“Because I’m your mother and I love you…and that’s why” is often the only refrain I can offer my four kids (ages 7 through 15) to explain why I do…

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How Working with Animal Totems (the Beasties!) Helped Me Navigate Big Change.

May 6, 2012
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Transcript from a  TED -style talk I was peer selected to give at The Martha Beck Coaches Summit in Phoenix in 2012. BIG change can be scary.  You want to…

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Eccentric Tips and Ideas For Happiness.

April 16, 2012
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One of the secrets to a happy life is continuous small treats. ~ Iris Murdoch. Being alone at sunrise. A wild rose on a gray day. Counting your blessings. Sleeping…

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January 24, 2012
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BLOWTORCH I was diagnosed at 19 with malignant melanoma. It dawned on me that if I might die very soon then, I should definitely enjoy what was left. It was…

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What The Walrus Knows Video

January 13, 2012
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You may be feeling called To something different. A different life. A project… A big change… Something epic… But is scares you. The Beasties can help. They can show you…

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Most Highly Efficacious Ways to Find Your FEEL GOOD quick!

November 25, 2011
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W A R N I N G: The act of simply reading a report like this can cause an immediate FEEL GOOD- so please proceed with abandon. DATA COLLECTED FROM:…

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Beasties Can Help a Momma (or anyone, really) Get a Life!

November 22, 2011
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Written originally for and posted at Mom Gets A Life I am a physician, a mom to 4 fantastic kids, a wife, a friend and (now) a writer, coach and…

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Feels Good Video, Volume 3

November 17, 2011
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Following your FEEL GOOD is the fastest way to change your own life and the world! Rolling around on the grass. Drinking the green stuff. Humans being authentic. Lighting up…

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Interpreting Beastie & Other Night Dreams Like A Shaman

November 10, 2011
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Curious how to interpret night dreams in which Beasties show up? Dreams that feature animals or ones that feel BIG in some way are often the carriers of some very…

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The Delight of Owls!

November 8, 2011
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My husband Mark (in photo above) and I had the privilege of going to see Saw Whet Owls get banded at Hawk Ridge in Duluth a few weeks back.  It was…

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A Powerful Question From The Shaman

October 18, 2011
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Shaman (def. from Wikipedia):  Shamans are said to treat ailments/illness by mending the soul. The shaman operates primarily within the spiritual world, which in turn affects the human world. The…

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A Note on Slacking from Alice

October 11, 2011
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  Hello fellow humans. It is I, Alice, Elephant, and Life Obstacle Assassin. I want you to remember one little thing. (S)He who is having the most fun is the…

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T is for That Brings up My Sh*t by Sarah Seidelmann,

Why my ADD (What is “wrong” with me) is so RIGHT with me.

September 28, 2011
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 Celebrating your Mental Health Diagnoses. I am no stranger to mental illness.   I come from an eccentric family of wonderful people who have struggled with depression, anxiety, manic depression and…

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Alice’s Beastly Commands for Irrepressible Humans

September 1, 2011
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Get busy doing what feels like love. Do it. Point your beak in a different direction. Ignore all other birds. Examine beauty often. You need a dose of it daily.…

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How do YOU feel good?

July 25, 2011
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The Road from my Conventional Dream Life (Not So Dreamy)

July 23, 2011
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…Into my Unconventionally FEEL GOOD Life. Not so long ago, I was a well paid board certified physician (well, I still am well paid and a board certified physician it…

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What do you have to do this week that does not FEEL GOOD?

July 23, 2011
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I love my coaching tools. Many of them are based on simply asking powerful questions. The other day I tried out a tool on my 5 year old son because…

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What is a Feel GOOD?

July 1, 2011
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The fastest way to create a life you LOVE is to allow yourself to FEEL GOOD now. How do you FEEL GOOD? The more you allow those good feelings to…

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GENTLE Version of Alice’s Beastly Commands for Creatives, Artists and Change Agents….

June 1, 2011
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Serve your soul. Feel good. Learn why this is the most powerful thing you can do.


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Do Beasties have a message for you? Are you irrepressible and born to FREAK?


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The Stoked Life

A 5-part pre-recorded course on how to approach life the way traditional Shamanic peoples would