Get Thee A Body Double


Here are 5 FEEL GOOD ideas for you to consider!

1. GET YOURSELF A BODY DOUBLE  A few summers ago, my office was a disaster but I was avoiding working on it.  I had read about the power of a body double and decided to try it. I hired my teenaged daughter Josephine.  OH EM GEE. What a difference.  I’m ZOOMINg with our Tiger’s Nest group next weekend to harness this body double power for all of us!

“What’s a body double? In the movies, it’s an actor who stands in for the leading man or woman during certain shots. But in the world of ADHD, a body double is someone who sits with a person with ADHD as he tackles tasks that might be difficult to complete alone.

Many people with ADHD find it easier to stay focused on housework, homework, bill paying, and other tasks when someone else is around to keep them company. The body double may just sit quietly. He may read, listen to music on headphones, or work on the task that the person with ADHD is working on. Hard work is simply more fun when someone else is nearby.” – ADHD Mag

2. Meditation of the week- The Law of Least Effort. I heart Deepak Chopra’s deep voice and beautiful teachings! Treat yourself. You don’t have to do all of this alone.   Listen on Spotify now  (12 minutes 9 seconds)

3. Engineer your home to do what you say you want to! Thats what our participants (and we!) are doing in Tiger’s Nest this week ahead. This works whether you want to eat better, stretch more or be more creative!  When I was saying I was wanting to paint but I was not painting a few years back. I created a mini watercolor painting station in the kitchen where I couldn’t NOT PAINT and I began painted tiny circles daily and added Rumi quotes to them! My integrity came back!  I loved making them and it led to even more creativity.

“Environment is the invisible hand that shapes human behavior”

— James Clear, in “Atomic Habits”

What is it that you say you want to do but you are NOT doing? How could you make it easier/engineer your spaces to make it happen?

4. Sometimes in winter I need a little something to warm the bones I finally found CHAI TEA that mimics the one I had in India during the Kumbha Mela-  spicy and AMAZING!  Follow their directions on the box! Blue Lotus Chai
Watch a fun video compilation I made of that pilgrimage along with 60 million other humans in 2013.

5. A Word on TRUE FAME…

Culture tells us that becoming “famous” with our art—or being known by strangers— is the BEST or highest goal…but my experience challenges that.

For me, being “famous” among my beloveds is a very deep joy.

I just shipped this painting I made to my sister’s house! She’s hanging it in her dining room! I don’t know about you, but knowing that somebody you love has something you made in a place of honor in their home is somehow the most deeply satisfying feeling of all!  This is TRUE FAME.

Knowing something you wrote made a BFF cry in the best way is also a profoundly wonderful feeling! THIS IS TRUE FAME.

(This happened to me when my dear friend Gini finished my novel Where the Deer Dream– she left a voicemail sobbing in joy!)

Another way to use this idea is in a different way is to use your creativity to make a gift for one special person.  Write a poem, paint a picture or sew a custom duffel bag for somebody you adore.  Feel what it feels like!

6.  Quote I’m LOVING this week: 

[Painting, Sewing, Writing, Decorating, Designing, Acting and Making art] is a practice of being ourselves. The more time we spend in this place, the better we get at making creative decisions. They generally get more refined and sensitive. Our improving art is a testament to this idea. In times when things are uncertain or difficult, it is a pretty safe bet to go back into your art. Let it remind you that you have been here before. I can hear myself so much easier standing in front of something I am making. Your art is like a mirror. It is you but in a different form. It stands beside you, like a friend, encouraging your best self to speak up and to know clearly when to say No, but much more importantly, when to say Yes to what you truly desire.

-Nicholas Wilton

You are always welcome to book an appointment for a divination, to pick my brain (on publishing, all things shamanic or coaching),  or for a shamanic healing HERE.

with big love,


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P. S. THIS SATURDAY  I am offering a course at Svalja Yoga in October.  READ more and REGISTER HERE. 
Do  you with I offered this as a virtual class? Let me know by hitting reply and saying so- I may offer it via zoom!

THIS IS October 19th- coming up this week! Only a few peeps are signed up so this will be intimate I think! I’m excited to be teaching this VIRTUAL evening course for East West Bookshop in Seattle!  I want to help you learn how to decipher the messages of BEASTIES AND TO CONNECT WITH YOURS




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Do Beasties have a message for you? Are you irrepressible and born to FREAK?


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