The One Space in Your Home You Don’t Wan’t to Ignore

let go

This week’s list of 5 things to explore that just might FEEL GOOD….

1. If there is one space you don’t want to ignore in your home, according to Feng Shui, according to Amanda Gibby Peters, it is the CENTER.  In Our House of Integrity Course (Tiger’s Nest), we have been working to bring the highest and most vibrant energy to this space and our lives too!

I love how Amanda Gibby Peters of is able to give simple and actionable items for us to shift and work with the energy of our living spaces! I was always fascinated by the ancient wisdom tradition of Feng Shui but found it so complex —her sweet +simple book changes all that! Grab the book here:

I interviewed AMANDA a few years ago where she shares how to work with this important space ( I was a little excited to speak with her and my enthusiasm was a bit manic!) WATCH IT HERE.

follow her at Instagram Amanda Gibby Peters

Download the BAGUA map from Amanda SIMPLE-SHUI-BAGUA-MAP

2.   There are ancient texts which hold the clues for us to live our lives NOW.  Growing my connection to the 5,000 year old book The TAO de Ching, recently, I am feeling a clearer sense of how to approach life on life’s terms.  It can be a tricky text and there are so many translations, but THIS RECORDING is absolutely stunning. Its just about an hour long and would make an excellent date night listen (over tea or kombucha with a friend or lover!)

3. To know what it is you were born to do, ask yourself this question.

For me, a short list might be this: rearranging the furniture and arranging flowers, walking in nature taking photos, reading, learning about obscure ancient Chinese texts (ha!) and exploring other worlds via spiritual practices! And here I am sharing it all with you!

4. My favorite memoir written by a dude is “Saltwater Buddha” by Jaimal Yogis- I can’t recommend it enough! A wonderful story about a kid after high school who runs away from home to learn how to surf and he finds great teachers out in those waves.

“I felt a taste of that other kind of contentment that doesn’t come from acquiring information or getting praise or building a resume, the kind that is just there, like a hidden pearl.”
― Jaimal Yogis, Saltwater Buddha: A Surfer’s Quest to Find Zen on the Sea

5. One practice that has consistently helped me connect to what is most precious in my life is sitting with death.  My own. My mom’s.  My dear friend’s. These meetings with death got me to stop working so hard and devote myself to art.  Death got me to quit taking myself and life so seriously and have one of the most beautiful years of my life in 1987 in Scotland (recovering from Malignant Melanoma surgery.

When we contemplate the truth that we don’t have forever, we get serious about making changes. I have been doing these workshops with people for several years and they are my FAVORITE!  If it feels good, read about it HERE.

I hope you feel inspired to join us for a few hours that just might help you turn your own ship towards the truest horizon.

“Sarah skillfully guides people through one of our culture’s greatest taboos and fears. I attended her in-person retreat and I imagine the online version will be powerful and moving, as well. Gentle opportunities like this can make something we all eventually face, a wee bit easier.” – A past participant

Saturday November  5 10 AM- 1 PM 

Come via Zoom from your cozy space.

Scholarships available--please hit reply to this email if this is not something you cannot afford but would like to attend.

This is a powerful + GENTLE opportunity to sit with yourself and to become the kind of person who can sit with others who are experiencing difficulty of any kind. Read more and register here!  I cannot wait to sit together with you.

6. QUOTE THAT stopped me in my tracks: 

Nearly everything in life is unfavorable

once it grows to a certain size.

It is entirely possible to have too many

clients, too much work, too much fame,

too much free time, and so on.

Pay attention to when the thing you’re

chasing exceeds its usefulness.

-James Clear

I am aware that it is also possible to have too many sweaters, necklaces, books and art supplies! Today I’m devoting to reducing and donating!

Less is, often, divine.

You are always welcome to book an appointment for a divination, to pick my brain (on publishing, all things shamanic or coaching),  or for a shamanic healing HERE.

with big love,


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