Feeling Good
Have you ever made a decision that felt AS CLEAR AS DAY and then you awoke the next morning and self-doubt crept in. A critical voice saying, “You really screwed…
Read MoreI was going through a wee dark night of the soul this weekend. My grief was coming out sideways and wreaking havok on some of my relationships (My mom died…
Read MoreImage from my 100 days project of original art you can follow on Instagram) “Buffalo increase the fertility of the land by the circuitous and ever-changing paths they take across…
Read MoreHaving as Virginia Woolf wrote, “A room of one’s own..” is so important to the creative and healing process for me. The first space I claimed was around 2007. It…
Read More(photo above: My mom + me going through her favorite letters and photos in September 2020) You know when you go to a self improvement workshop and they ask you…
Read MoreDear Creators of WONDER and MAGIC- It’s been two weeks since my mom died and there have been lots of lows and many ecstatic highs. I’m being gentle with myself…
Read MoreDear Creators of Wonder and MAGIC, If you are new here- welcome! I hope you find things here that help you find your FEELGOOD and follow it. I believe it will…
Read More“It starts by forgetting about perfect. We don’t have time for perfect.” -Elizabeth Gilbert, Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear Dear Creators of Wonder and MAGIC, If you are new here-…
Read MoreOn my bedside table, these days, I keep only Rumi and Hafiz…mystical Sufi poets whose words always bringing me closer to spirit and my higher self. And lord I need…
Read MoreThis weekend I treated myself to an online writing course with Anne Lamott. She is my Beyonce. I was reminded by her dog snoring on her lap and her radical…
Read More“Daily Pages are SPOT ON! I am eight days in, and every single day, Alice has doled out her lighthearted, somewhat salty, unique wisdom with spot on accuracy. Sarah’s thoughts…
Read More(new photos for my updated site coming soon! Thanks Wolfskull!) Thank you SO MUCH for your reviews at Amazon and Goodreads! Your words can help another reader decide to check the…
Read MoreAbove: From my new book- An intro from Alice! Thank you for making the book a #1 release in shamanism, 12 Step Recovery, Spiritual Self-Help and Angels + Guides at…
Read MoreHello dear creators of WONDER and MAGIC- It is our stories that teach us. My friend Shannon’s daughter is in the photo above holding a baby quail. Their family is…
Read MoreHello!! I teach people how to connect directly with the divine using the tool of shamanic journeying. This is a form of deep meditation. I use a specialized drum beat…
Read More(Pug hugs are plentiful in the Pandemic- My son Charlie and Oliver James during our beach walk last week) Dear Creators of WONDER and MAGIC, If you are new to…
Read More(a gift from me to you when you pre-order my new book and upload your receipt.) Hallooooo dear creators of WONDER and MAGIC, I thought I would try a new format…
Read More(CLICK ON IMAGE above to witness the THRILL of seeing a creation come into being!) Hallooooo dear creators of WONDER and MAGIC from us, Sarah and Alice the Elephant!! We…
Read MorePRE-ORDER NOW @Amazon (Squee!) for delivery June 1st! (or request at your Local Indie Bookseller) Hello dear creators of MAGIC and WONDER- Despite my successful elimination of most alcohol and sugar…
Read MoreAn eagle flew so closely over my car windshield that I reflexively ducked as I drove towards our local animal shelter with my kids in the backseat. The eagle’s brief visit felt…
Read More(my drum painted by Emily Christenson) Hello dear creators of MAGIC and WONDER- I knew, as soon as I left the hospital for my sabbatical from medicine in 2010, that…
Read MoreSir Isaac Newton left Cambridge College in 1665 because it closed in the wake of the Bubonic plague. He took to the English countryside and lived on a farm for…
Read MoreGreetings dear creators of WONDER and MAGIC! Five years ago I grew out my gray hair for 5 months and then chickened out (went back to dying it!) after receiving…
Read MoreGreetings Creators of WONDER and magic! Even Cornonavirus couldn’t stop us from getting to Thailand and enjoying the hell out of our time with the elephants! Gosh it was pure…
Read MoreMeet Amanda Gibby Peters of simpleshui.com and author of the new book “Simple Shui for Every Day”. I love how she is able to give simple and actionable items for…
Read MoreDear Creators of Wonder and Magic- When I saw the tickets for Oprah’s tour go on sale last summer, something in me said, “We must go!”. I pulled the trigger, rounded…
Read More(My painting from “Painting from Source with Aviva Gold” workshop- I had no idea a painting like this could come from me.) Greetings creators of wonder and MAGIC! Have you…
Read More(From my #100 days project and forthcoming book and card deck!) Greetings creators of wonder and MAGIC! It seems there is much trouble in the world at the moment, Australia…
Read MoreTruth Is Revealed: Adventures in Vipassana Meditation (Silent Retreat) I’ve been saying, with a certain buoyancy: “I’d LOVE to go on a silent retreat!” for ten years. So, when a…
Read More“Our souls are not hungry for fame, comfort, wealth, or power. Our souls are hungry for meaning, for the sense that we have figured out how to live so that…
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