Craving Authenticity: Transitioning from Dyed Blonde to Silver with My Curly Hair

Greetings dear creators of WONDER and MAGIC!
Five years ago I grew out my gray hair for 5 months and then chickened out (went back to dying it!) after receiving pushback from my teenagers and a few weird looks from strangers.
My desire to return to my authentic hair color has been growing stronger. I read Lorraine Massey’s wonderful book here on kicking the dye habit and embracing my silver and it deeply inspired me. Other gorgeous women I know whose tresses are silver also got me thinking- my mom, Terry De Meo, Aviva Gold and so many others!
We live in a culture that is convinced that aging is not palatable or somehow distasteful…but I don’t buy that.
The fever got stronger and I booked an appointment with a color specialist and explained my dream. It happened yesterday.
She painstakingly matched my roots/and new silver coming in and transformed my hair (it took 5 hours!). This transformation will allow me to grow it out completely without the dramatic “demarcation line”.
Others simple grow out their silvery roots for a couple months and go get a pixie (no fuss no muss) for instant return to their own hair. The truly BRAVE grow out their silver without any trips to the salon at all…there are many rivers that lead to the silver ocean.
Anyway- it was a BIG change and a WOW I am so glad I did it.
it feels fantastic to be more ME.
Is there something calling to you—some change that would enable you to be more authentic in some area of your life?
If embracing your curly silvery hair is feeling good- check out “Curly Silvers” group on facebook- so much love and inspo!
I hope you find the courage and the helpers to do what it takes. We need you to be YOU!
With much love and the COURAGE of 100 honey badgers,
Sarah Has plant medicine and Peru been calling you? email to me at [email protected] and say “tell me about Peru 2020” if you are interested in learning more about a two week shamanic retreat I am co-hosting there. Have you wanted to come to one of my retreats and love Lake Superior and fabulous architectural design? I have got a beautiful event in Oct 9-11 2020 at Wild Rice Retreat on the shore of Lake Superior in Bayfield Wisconsin. David Salmela designed the entire building as well as the beautiful cottages you get to stay in! Check out the details and register here. |
Locally I have a Sound Healing Sessions in Duluth on March 18 2020 that I am collaborating with Bryce Kasting on. You can register at Yoga North for these. OR call 218-722-9642. A beautiful opportunity to heal and receive guidance from your sweet and unlimited soul!