2019 In Review and So Many Activities!

“Our souls are not hungry for fame, comfort, wealth, or power. Our souls are hungry for meaning, for the sense that we have figured out how to live so that our lives matter.”
-Harold Kushner.
It’s that time of year when my facebook feed is flooded with “Finish strong!”, or “Only 60 days left in the DECADE”, what are you going to do?” sorts of posts.
I’m usually all about the salty goading into action. But, weirdly, something has shifted. I want to go gently forward into the end of this year and gently beyond into 2020.
I’m just not the pushing sort of person any more. Maybe you’re feeling it too?
Instead, I’m busy following the tiny golden thread of my soul which is soft and simple. And it involves writing, creating sacred events and retreats for others and taking good care of myself, friends and family.
All I need to do is do the things that matter most in a relaxed and mindful way.
Top four things that helped me most this year (in no particular order):
- Discovering Instacart absolutely changed my life. This app allows me to order groceries from multiple shops delivered to my door (I always ask them to just leave them on the porch so I don’t even need to answer the door! So Easy!). I have always been a notoriously reluctant grocery shopper and this has kept me from impulse purchases, saved me money (I don’t buy anything I don’t need anymore) and I am eating more whole foods. I’ve saved 58 hours of shopping this year according to the app but it feels so much more incredible than that!
- Admitting weakness…AKA “I need help!”. Realizing I wanted more integrity with myself and food led me in 2017 to join Bright Line Eating (BLE), an amazing conscious eating community led by a Stanford Graduate (and food addict). I did a 14 day challenge (highly recommend) which led to a bootcamp. I learned so much, lost 20 pounds, and eventually, realized I was a compulsive overeater. I have found so much freedom and joy. If you struggle to eat what you say you will eat I highly recommend you check BLE out.
- Not giving up on love. Being married for 28 years is a beautiful thing and yet, there was something more I wanted…a deeper connection. My husband Mark and I went to Peru this year and a shift I’ve dreamed about for a while came about. I wrote about it here
- Facing My Own Death is One of the Most Powerful and Clarifying Steps I Can Take. As Anita Moorjani book title says, “Dying to be Myself”. I did not one but two different death doula trainings last year and realized that I wanted to use the tools I learned to create a retreat to ENLIVEN people. I held the first “Lady Death Camp” (as one hilarious camper dubbed it) a few days ago and it was a peak experience- so much sacredness, open heartedness, and the clarity that we all walked away with was staggering. I am so excited that I already opened registration for the next event. (April 24-26 2020). Tickets on sale here.
What would change if you believed that a way was being made for you to do (and be!) all the things that you came here to do?
Nov 21 at 12 pm Central will be the next Life Pirate Academy zoom meeting- we will be doing a 2019 annual review of your life so you can prepare for an illuminated 2020! To have access to these live monthly calls, you just need to purchase the digital course!
Have you wanted to come to one of my retreats but prefer a slightly fancier set up? I have got a beautiful event in Oct 9-11 2020 at Wild Rice Retreat on the shore of Lake Superior in Bayfield Wisconsin. David Salmela designed the entire building as well as the beautiful cottages you get to stay in! Check out the details and register here.
Locally I have a few Sound Healing Sessions in Duluth going on Jan 15 2020 and March 18 2020 that I am collaborating with Bryce Kasting on. You can register at Yoga North for these. A beautiful opportunity to heal and receive guidance from your sweet and unlimited soul!
TRAVEL and ADVENTURE LOVERS! There are a few spots that have opened up for both Bali : Wildly Aligned(April 1-11, 2020) and A Pachydermal Pilgrimage Thailand (February 3-11, 2020). I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to have you with us!!
As always, I would love to work with you in person or via facetime/whats app video. I offer 1:1 coaching, shamanic mentoring (deepen your spiritual practice) and shamanic healing and you can book those sessions here.
We all need support and spiritual encouragement from time to time and that’s what I provide!
Much love, Sarah