What to Do When The World Is Burning

day 49 elevate your perspective

(From my #100 days project and forthcoming book and card deck!)

Greetings creators of wonder and MAGIC!
It seems there is much trouble in the world at the moment, Australia is burning and there is talk of war.  Luckily, we are helpers. You are a helper! Together, we can create miracles.

There is much we can do, and one of the most important things we can do is pray.

Some say praying is not really doing anything.  But, maybe these people don’t really know what we are talking about when we say praying?  Praying is working at the level of spirit or consciousness to effect change in the material world. It also has the effect of making us feel good which ripples out of us to everyone. We are connected.

Here’s a powerful way to pray- for rain—but of course you can pray for world peace this way. Or perfect health in your beloved dog or anything else you want to pray for.
How to pray rain- a story:

“I had an expectation of what I thought I was going to see. But my friend simply removed his hiking boots, then stepped with his naked feet into the stone circle. The first thing he did was honor all of his ancestors. Then he held his hands in a prayer position in front of his chest, turned his back to me, and closed his eyes. Less than a minute later, he turned around and said, “I’m hungry. Let’s go get a bite to eat.”

Surprised, I said, “I thought you came here to pray for rain.” I had been expecting to see some chanting and dancing. He looked at me and said, “No. If I prayed for rain, the rain could never happen.” When I asked him why, he said it’s because the moment you pray for something to occur, you’ve just acknowledged that it’s not existing in that moment—and you may actually be denying the very thing you’d like to bring forward in your prayers.

“Well, if you didn’t pray for rain just now when you closed your eyes,” I said, ‘what did you do?” He said, “When I closed my eyes, I felt the feeling of what it feels like after there’s been so much rain that I can stand with my naked feet in the mud of my pueblo village. I smelled the smells of rainwater rolling off the earthen walls of our homes. And I felt what it feels like to walk through a field of corn that is chest high because of all the rain that has fallen. In that way, I plant a seed for the possibility of that rain, and then I give thanks of gratitude and appreciation.” I said, “You mean gratitude for the rain that you’ve created?” And he said, “No, we don’t create the rain. I’m giving thanks of gratitude and appreciation for the opportunity to commune with the forces of creation.”

Feeling is the prayer. “

(From Greg Brayden)

So feel it everybody! Feel it!!????????????????????????
I’m sending you much love!

If you are longing for a guide to help you heal or to realize your creative dreams, I am at your service.  We don’t transform or do miraculous things alone!  Hit reply to this email and let me know what you are needing help with and I will suggest a service I offer!



Plan to join me on January 26 We are going to all journey online together and activate your 8th chakra, your inner healer or inner shaman. There is something so powerful about journeying in a group- I think the spirits really like it when we do that.  I hope you’ll join us and/or do it with a friend!


Locally I have a few Sound Healing Sessions in Duluth going on Jan 15 2020 and March 18 2020 that I am collaborating with Bryce Kasting on.  You can register at Yoga North for these.  OR call 218-722-9642. A beautiful opportunity to heal and receive guidance from your sweet and unlimited soul!



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