Mistakes Happen and Sometimes They Are Sacred
“Daily Pages are SPOT ON! I am eight days in, and every single day, Alice has doled out her lighthearted, somewhat salty, unique wisdom with spot on accuracy. Sarah’s thoughts are the perfect “real world” compliment, and the affirmations and prayers are exactly what I need to round it all out. I can’t recommend this book enough. I absolutely LOVE it!!”
– An Amazon reader of How Good Are You Willing To Let It Get?” my newest book!
Greetings creators of WONDER and MAGIC!
Last week, I learned (HORRORS!) that there is a wee error in my new book- there is no June 4! Please accept my apology!?? We are only human (2 editors and one designer missed it!) and are in the process of correcting it ASAP.
In the meantime, I offer you a printable to “REPAIR” your copy of you have one already!
You will laugh when you see what June 4 says in the original manuscript…Alice (it turns out) had a POINT to make with me and with all of the early readers of this book….
June 4
Be Transparent
Alice the Elephant
“Let your so-called defects shine. This is what makes you so fucking kick-ass! Let others see right through you. Laugh together at those neurotic tendencies. Confess why you kept your darkest secrets quiet in the first place. That fear of flying (literally or metaphorically)? Own it! It’s disarming to your fellow humans and invites them to be blissfully authentic right alongside you.”
When I was first diagnosed with ADHD, I was filled with shame. Everything I’d read about the “disorder” made me feel inferior. I hired an ADHD coach, who told me I shouldn’t tell my partners at the hospital about it or they could fire me. “What? So, I’m supposed to hide this?” Around that time, Alice appeared on the scene and reminded me that all the ADHD characteristics I had were also a gift. I was on Earth to do a special kind of work. That was such a relief. Everything “wrong” with me was what was right with me. Then I began to talk to others about my ADHD. It felt so freeing not to keep it to myself.
Share your vulnerability with another person. Let them really see you.
Dear God, take away my fear of being who I am with others. Help me live free.
YEP! It is our defects that make us AWESOME. It is our weakness….NOT OUR STRENGTH that makes all things possible. DOWNLOAD that page repair here.
And, as always, your shares of the book on social media, your kind reviews at Amazon and at your Goodreads accounts are deeply appreciated—it is YOUR WORDS dear readers that inspire other readers to check out an author’s work- so THANK YOU in advance!!
Find the book here: https://followyourfeelgood.com
Four more FEELGOOD things:
1. SAVE THE DATE for July 12 at 3 pm (it’s a Sunday)….I will be offering a FREE ZOOM class “How to Create A Powerful Morning Practice” for you my beloved subscribers! I am super excited to share it with you!
2. One thing I have been loving during the pandemic is the astrology of Kaypacha. He’s sending out a video each week and I find them uplifting and inspiring! Astrology is a way of looking more mythically at our lives and I find it fun and powerful! Here’s last week’s Pele report. A new one should be out just as this email lands in your inbox- so check it out at youtube.
3. If you have been experiencing grief, I want to share this post I made recently…lots of people are resonating with it. See Facebook video post I made here.
4. Need a good listen for when you’re cleaning up the kitchen? I was on the Intention Sessions and loved our conversation! Listen here.
With lots of LOVE and the courage of 3 honey badgers,
P.S. If you’d like 10 of my new books signed and shipped to you in the U.S.A., simply Venmo or paypal ([email protected]) me $200.00 and let me know names of people (if you want them personalized) and your shipping address!
They make great grad gifts and hostess gifts for your helpers, healers and creatives!
Local friends!
I’m selling books (no contact pickup!) from my house!
Just Venmo or PayPal me the funds…
([email protected])
(letting me know in the memo if you’d like them signed and, if so, to whom)….
and I’ll leave them on my protected porch for you.
(I’ll message you back when they are ready for pick up…usually same day…with my address)
(Sales tax is included in price)
1 book 22.22
2 books 38.00 (plus bonus stick of palo santo wood incense from Peru)
3 books 48.00 (plus sacred silk pouch with beasties for divination- for use with Beastie book while supplies last)
10 books 150.00 (full bottle of Agua de Florida, Palo santo for each book plus bonus silk pouch with beasties while supplies last)
Hit reply to this email with any questions!
(If you need a copy of one of my other books let me know!)
Thank you in advance for your interest and support in my books!
Has plant medicine and Peru been calling you? In May 2021 I will be hosting a group for a two week sacred medicines retreat in Pisac. Read all about it here and download an itinerary. Spots are now filling up (there is faith in travel resuming!) and I cannot tell you how much this trip means to me. |