Sarah Seidelmann

What to Do When It’s the GOOD Stuff That Scares You

July 22, 2024
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Sometimes, our biggest growth opportunity is revealed when gifts, opportunities or  some other AMAZING GOODNESS appears right in front of us.  Have you ever had something so good happen–that it…

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Do I Contradict Myself? This Week’s List to Help You Show Up and Grow

July 22, 2024
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Here are some ideas to help you SHOW up and GROW in your own life..and have a little FUN! 1. Can An Ex Pathologist/Decoupage Enthusiast/ Shamanic Devotee Also Be An Influencer? Yes,…

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Gucci NOT Guilty: The Power of PLEASURE is Not Inconsequential

July 15, 2024
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Here are this week’s ideas to help you SHOW UP AND GROW in your own life.  1. Gucci Not Guilty I’ve been thinking a LOT about #pleasure and all the…

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The Struggle for Worthiness Is REAL

July 6, 2024
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Here are this week’s ideas to help you SHOW UP AND GROW in your own life. 1. I SOMETIMES STRUGGLE TO FEEL WORTHY.   Many of us are on a journey to…

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Your Triggers Are Your Spiritual Homework.

June 27, 2024
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Here are this week’s ideas to help you SHOW UP AND GROW in your own life. 1. Your Triggers Are Your Spiritual Homework:  A few years back boudoir photography was…

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What if Everything Works Out?

June 21, 2024
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1. What if everything works out?  Life has been running pretty smoothly for me in so many ways.  The kids are all out of the house (for now!), it’s been…

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Never Stop Reaching and Applying, Pitching, and Submitting

June 12, 2024
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My opening for my solo art show (my first official!) was a smash success and I’ve been on a high, ever since, from being with dear friends, famIly and spending…

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Pursuing A Dream Is What Heals Us

June 6, 2024
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1. Pursuing A Dream Is What Heals Us. My husband and I drove down to visit his dad this weekend who just lost his wife recently.  He’s doing really well, and…

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I m Still Using My Dead Father’s Shampoo

May 13, 2024
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“The Pugs and Flowers Whispered Their Good Advice”- on show in Grand Marais June 1-30, 2024 at the Grand Marais Art Colony 1. I am still using my dead father’s…

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A FREE CLASS on Creativity from Me + My Favorite Soma Yoga on Youtube

April 30, 2024
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Dear readers, Mailchimp (or Mailchimp’s AI robot?) has apparently read my newsletters and encouraged me to more SKIMMABLE.  Gah! But, it’s so hard when you have so much to share!…

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The Biggest Reason to Do A Creative Soul Retrieval

April 15, 2024
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Here are a few things that are giving me life…. 1. Quantity Versus Quality.  Years ago when I was doing some research for the 100 day project, I stumbled upon this…

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The Comfort of Symbols in Grief and Loss, My Mother’s Mustard Jar

April 9, 2024
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1.  The Wonderful Comfort of Symbols.  When I was in  crisis in 2010 ((leaving medicine for a spiritual journey into writing and more..), it was the symbolic meaning of wild…

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Insead of Banishing Your Inner Critic, Choose This Instead.

March 29, 2024
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1. A New Way to Think About Your Inner Critic:  I still hear wonderful teachers of creativity admonishing people to tell their inner critic to SHUT UP ALREADY, or to…

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It’s Important to Share Our Miracle Stories

March 20, 2024
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Here are a few things that are giving me life…. 1. It’s important to share about the miracles we experience.  This is something I learned about the conditions that make miracles possible in…

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Buying Art for Your Home That You Love is An Act of Self Care

March 16, 2024
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As a 9 year old child, my parents took me to the National Gallery on a vacation and I was able to chose a print to take home. I chose…

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Am I Afraid of Pleasure?

March 16, 2024
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Here are five feel good ideas that are giving me life…. 1.  Could I Be Afraid of Pleasure?  I believe it when Brene Brown says that the emotion we are most…

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There Are Many Ways to Pray

March 5, 2024
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Here are five ideas that are giving me life…. 1. There Are Many Ways to Pray.  Prayer is something I’ve always been curious about.  I wrote about what my mom…

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4 Ideas and Some Art That Are Giving Me Life

February 29, 2024
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(new work “Open Heart” by me…36 x 36″ Mixed media on canvas Available.   “Gertrude Stein defined LOVE as ‘the skillful audacity required to share an inner life.‘…Stein’s idea suggests that…

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5 Ideas GIving me Life This Week

February 22, 2024
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(art featured above is “When She Took Care of Herself Everythign Flowed: To purchase visit this page.  “In my life I have found two things of priceless worth – learning…

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Confessions of a Former Banister Polisher

February 6, 2024
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“You Are So Magnificent” by Sarah Seidelmann Art is Available Something odd happened the summer I went on sabbatical from my medical practice and began to explore writing/life-coaching and a…

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Beautiful Things Grow Out of Ugly Things

February 4, 2024
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(Matisse’s Red Room from my sketchbook drawn at MOMA in New York City) Here Are 5 Ideas That Are Giving Me Life This Week   1.  I could let it be…

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My Favorite Uncommon Books of 2023

January 19, 2024
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Here are a few of the uncommon books that truly hit the spot for me in 2023.  (in no specific order) Foreverland by Heather Havrilesky (memoir) I don’t think I have…

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Dave Chapelle on Creativity and John Green on How To Know What to Do Next

January 2, 2024
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I have so many things to share with YOU that I decided to try out a LIST format again. I hope you find something here to inspire you! 1.  I was reading…

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My Biggest Insights in 2023

December 31, 2023
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The longest day of the year will soon be behind us. I am soaking up the darkness and exploring those things that go bump in the night inside of me.  Soon…

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Top Ten Reasons Why You Should Write Your Book in 2024 by Sarah Seidelmann

December 20, 2023
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At age 43 I got a strange yearning to write books.  One year later, in 2011,  I self published my first book. A year after that, I published Born to FREAK.…

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Patience is Also An Action and other Feel Good Ideas for You Now

December 11, 2023
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1. Vitamin P is my supplement of choice heading into 2024. If there is one thing I’ve learned in 56 years,  it is that all good things take time.  Friendships.…

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Best Holiday Gifts Created By Sarah Seidelmann for People Who Love Transformation!!

November 16, 2023
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 A Mug for Your Friend Who’s Been Mentioning She Could Use A Few More Boundaries…. (“There’s No Way In HAELLLLLL I’m DOing That” 2. A Daily Reader for That Friend…

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I’m So Sorry: The Grief and Invisible Loss of the Artist + Creator

November 13, 2023
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Photo: Wolfskull Cretive If you are an artist or a writer/creative, I AM SO SORRY.   As I was re-skimming The Artist’s Way for the bajillionth time this week, it hit…

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You Were Born to SHINE and Write Your Memoir!

November 6, 2023
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Here are 5 things I’m Extremely KEEN on this week! 1. You will Astonish Yourself:  This is what I have learned by doing 100 day projects and (NOW!) 30 day…

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Reverse Bucket Lists and More

October 25, 2023
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Here are 5 things I’m Extremely KEEN on this week! 1.  Reverse Bucket Lists Rock.  It’s fabulous to have outrageous dreams and goals.  But, sometimes they can overshadow things and…

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