You Were Born to SHINE and Write Your Memoir!


Here are 5 things I’m Extremely KEEN on this week!

1. You will Astonish Yourself:  This is what I have learned by doing 100 day projects and (NOW!) 30 day projects.  100 days is a long time, so in November, I’ll be leading a group of us to do a 30 day project in “SHINE”,  the action oriented creative community I co-run with Inger Kenobi.  We aim to GET SHIZZLE DONE.  To inspire yourself, check out the list of ideas for possibile projects here and to join SHINE go HERE. You will astonish yourself. I promise.
2. Connecting to Something Greater Works Every Time.  This week I experienced some more than a few minutes in that horrible swamp of self-pity and STUCKNESS.  You don’t want to go there, BUT, if you ever feel stuck and horrible, like I did, there’s a cure:

Spending time with a higher power…AKA something you believe in and that feels BIGGER and WAAAAY more powerful than you.  For each of us, that’s different. For my sister, that’s her dog.  For me, it’s Alice the Elephant.  Sometimes, I also go to the shore of Lake Superior. or into the woods.  Wherever you can go to connect with that sense of AWE for something or someone) who is much wiser/more powerful than you…go! Talk to them. You’ll feel so much better. Want to find your own beastie?  Go here. 

3.  Use Oven Mitts for Suffering.  If you’ve been feeling OVERWHELMED lately by all of the pain and suffering in the your neighborhood or in your own immediate circle, I wrote this for you. I share an approach that has helped me immensely.

4. Meet Anne Lamott:  She’s another guest at my imaginary dinner party for all of my creative heroes!  Anne‘s book “Bird by Bird” felt like the most hilarious + kind welcome into the world of writing!

One of my favorite things about Anne is that she often shares openly about her #recovery from Alcohol and #foodaddiction The interview @timferriss did with her is packed with so many gems! When she speaks of her #horriblebetty (her sponser), I laugh and recognize myself. Thank you Anne for lighting the way! Listen to this amazing Podcast with TIm and Anne.

(Digital art by me made using an ipad + procreate app)

5. Do You Initiate Sex? I loved this 5 minute cartoon from London School of LIfe on Who initiates sex and why it matters”! 

You can schedule vibe-raising divinations, life- coaching, and shamanic healing/mentoring  HERE. 

If you are curious about when it might be a good time for a shamanic healing session, please read this. 

with love,

This email is reader supported. This one was typed at my kitchen table on a dark and stormy fall morning.  YOU are one of my sacred priorities dear reader!

The best way to support me is to:

1. Order my “How Good Are You WIlling to Let it Get?” CARD DECK  today.
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4.  BUY ONE OF MY (SOON TO BE) 7 BOOKS  OR   Listen to them at Audible 
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Are you determined to write your memoir?

I wrote mine and my hero, NYT Bestselling author Martha Beck, called it “…fascinating, amusing and wise..” !

We’ve got you! Check out our new Memoir Writing Intensive! 


Cast All Your Votes For Dancing

(Note: The “Friend” in the poem refers to your higher power, God or whomever you pray to)

I know the voice of depression

Still calls to you.

I know those habits that can ruin your life

Still send their invitations.

But you are with the Friend now

And look so much stronger.

You can stay that way

And even bloom!

Keep squeezing drops of the Sun

From your prayers and work and music

And from your companions’ beautiful laughter.

Keep squeezing drops of the Sun

From the sacred hands and glance of your Beloved

And, my dear,

From the most insignificant movements

Of your own holy body.

Learn to recognize the counterfeit coins

That may buy you just a moment of pleasure,

But then drag you for days

Like a broken man

Behind a farting camel.

You are with the Friend now.

Learn what actions of yours delight Him,

What actions of yours bring freedom

And Love.

Whenever you say God’s name, dear pilgrim,

My ears wish my head was missing

So they could finally kiss each other

And applaud all your nourishing wisdom!

O keep squeezing drops of the Sun

From your prayers and work and music

And from your companions’ beautiful laughter

And from the most insignificant movements

Of your own holy body.

Now, sweet one,

Be wise.

Cast all your votes for Dancing!

~ Hafiz ~



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Do Beasties have a message for you? Are you irrepressible and born to FREAK?


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