Pursuing A Dream Is What Heals Us
1. Pursuing A Dream Is What Heals Us. My husband and I drove down to visit his dad this weekend who just lost his wife recently. He’s doing really well, and I asked him if any new dreams have emerged for him. I have noticed that when people lose “their person”, it often has the effect of freeing them to get clear on a new dream. Being with another person for 65 years can supress parts of ourselves (as we work to be in harmony)
He ended up sharing with us a dream he holds for travel to Croatia that we had never heard. I am so glad I asked! As long as we are dreaming- we are truly alive. What dreams are alive in you?
“Find your dream. It’s the pursuit* of the dream that heals you.”
– Billy Mills, Oglala Lakota
*note its not the achieving of the dream that heals you!:)
2. How to Create A Home that Encourages Creating. Having my “studio a few steps from my kitchen has helped me make more art than ever before.
“Having art supplies just lying around seems to be key to consistent creation. There should be nothing in between us and the materials we use to create.
Kind of the opposite of putting snacks out of eyesight when we’re trying to curb impulsive eating, I wonder if putting art supplies always in the no line of sight helps us keep creating. Like covering the kitchen table in paper to inspire dinner doodling, and keeping a cup of colorful pens next to the computer for future zoom calls, and keeping a sketchbook and pen open in front of the TV…” Read more about your home and creativity.
(After reading this, I also put the chocolate chips in the basement!)
3. You Will Learn the Truth. Last summer was one of the most dark periods in my life. Just after my dad died, my marriage expereinced an extremely painful time of reckoning. I am so grateful it happened. Our partnership is feeling sooooo wonderful these days. It turned out that we both needed to QUEST.
“I’ve come to believe that there exists in the universe something I call “The Physics of The Quest” — a force of nature governed by laws as real as the laws of gravity or momentum. And the rule of Quest Physics maybe goes like this: “If you are brave enough to leave behind everything familiar and comforting (which can be anything from your house to your bitter old resentments) and set out on a truth-seeking journey (either externally or internally), and if you are truly willing to regard everything that happens to you on that journey as a clue, and if you accept everyone you meet along the way as a teacher, and if you are prepared – most of all – to face (and forgive) some very difficult realities about yourself… then truth will not be withheld from you.”
~Elizabeth Gilbert
Facing those things in ourselves is so hard. The teachers are everywhere. Sending you a fistbump! We can (continue) to do this work!
4. Many Teachers Have Helped Me Find My Way! I am so excited to say that I got my first representation by a gallery as an artist! You can now visit my work at Ghost Ship Gallery in Washburn Wisconsin near Bayfield! In celebration of this monumentous occasion, I wanted to share with you a few of my online art teachers from the past 4 years. I began learning about story painting with Tracy Verdugo (from Austrailia)—she has a poetic and wonderful way of teaching! I did an art mentorship this year with Kelli Day- this is for folks who are already artists and want to really commit to their work. The lessons were wonderful and my art grew so much with Kelli.
The most FUN I have had is this year with Amanda Evanson’s classes- she only opens up a few times a year for her Insider’s studio (free class at this link!) and the classes are so much fun! Easy- and playful and a delight! This cake (below) was one of the pieces I have made!.
5. Quote that is VIBING WITH ME!
“Being an artist means, not reckoning and counting, but ripening like the tree which does not force its sap and stands confident in the storms of spring without the fear that after them may come no summer. It does come. But it comes only to the patient, who are there as though eternity lay before them, so unconcernedly still and wide. I learn it daily, learn it with pain to which I am grateful: patience is everything!”
– Rainer Maria Rilke. Read more here!
My exhibit ” Making Love Visible” is on display already (now!) until June 29th at Studio 21 (of Grand Marais Art Colony) next to Hippie Tacos on Hwy 61. They are open Thurs- Satruday 10 -5!
much love and gratitude to you!
This writing is reader supported! I typed this at 6:30 am on the couch after stretching and mediating a bit!
The best ways to support me are to:
1. Order my “How Good Are You WIlling to Let it Get?” CARD DECK today.
2. Take a CLASS from me.
3. Invest in yourself with a 1:1 session.
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5. BUY ONE OF MY (SOON TO BE) 7 BOOKS OR Listen to them at Audible
6. Leave a brief review for any of my books at Amazon or Goodreads.
7. Purchase a print, mug, t-shirt, framed print, tote bag, shower curtain or other magical thing that I’ve created at MY ART SHOP.
8.Purchase an original painting from me.
9. FORWARD this newsletter to somebody who you know would enjoy it!
I am also celebrating my FIRST SOLO Art Exhibition! Save the date if you’ll be up in Northern Minnesota near Grand Marais! It will be June 1 to 30th at the Grand Marais Art Colony Store.
Does your sacred space or healing studio need art? Please check out all of my available work here.