There Are Many Ways to Pray
Here are five ideas that are giving me life….
1. There Are Many Ways to Pray. Prayer is something I’ve always been curious about. I wrote about what my mom taught me here. This week I posted this REEL about a prayer teaching I received and people shared so many beautiful ideas! Here are two that stood out to me….
“I’m beginning to learn most everything is prayer. I am learning that prayer is the energetic frequency of love, of caring, of need, of gratitude, of grace, of forgiveness, of grief, of surrender, of desperation, and even of anger.
I am experiencing prayer as my energetic transmission of my lived experience, and my heart/mind/soul connection to all that is.
It’s way more complex than anything I learned in a church. And every bit as simple as, “Wow.”
Prayer is everything.
Everything is prayer.”
– Catherine Castle
“…..I pray with my voice. I pray with my pens and markers and crayons and paintbrushes. I pray with my money!As I hold it and mask my way thru chit chat at registers, I focus my energy and intention on the money (bills coins or card) I am giving in the exchange and I send activated love and help and support for specific people. I pray with my money that is in safe keeping. I pray with every signature for every bill for safety security angel power protection and my insight to take good care of what I’m purchasing.”
– Jennifer Cummings
How do you pray? Hit reply and share if it feels good!
2. Don’t Wait to SING. I have been thinking about all the ways that we can hold ourselves back..because we doubt our own abilities…or maybe we are waiting for somebody else to RECOGNIZE our capabilities? We worry and wait. We compare ourselves to others and come up short. This week I’ve been sitting with a loved one who is dying and it reminded me not to worry and not to wait.
“I worried a lot. Will the garden grow, will the rivers flow in the right direction, will the earth turn as it was taught, and if not, how shall I correct it?
Was I right, was I wrong, will I be forgiven, can I do better?
Will I ever be able to sing, even the sparrows can do it and I am, well, hopeless.
Is my eyesight fading or am I just imagining it, am I going to get rheumatism, lockjaw, dementia?
Finally I saw that worrying had come to nothing.
And gave it up. And took my old body and went out into the morning, and sang.”
~Mary Oliver, “I Worried,” (2010)
3. Quote I loved this week about prayer. Jim Henson prayed and here’s what he had to say….
“I spend a few minutes in meditation and prayer each morning. I find that this really helps me to start the day with a good frame of reference. As part of my prayers, I thank whoever is helping me; I’m sure somebody or something is. I express gratitude for all my blessings and I try to forgive the people that I’m feeling negative toward. I try hard not to judge anyone, and I try to bless everyone who is a part of my life, particularly anyone with whom I am having any problems.”
– Jim Henson
4. YES IS VERY GOOD FOR US. Our brains have a negative bias…just watch your thoughts for 5 minutes and you’ll confirm it’s true. Earlier this year. in our SHINE creative salon, Inger Kenobi taught a class about YES journaling and it was soooo uplifting and WONDERFUL= we all marvelled! And we got busy creating our own YES books- and she is now offering this class to the public FOR FREE! SIgn up here. Highly recommend. SIGN UP HERE.
5. Shamanic Make up recommendation. It’s been a while since I suggested a product… CLOUD PAINT in “DUSK” by Glossier is a lovely pinkish bronze and i put it on my cheeks and around top of forehead to make me look undead in winter. You can’t mess it up! Truly life giving!
Are you in need of more spiritual connection or simply feeling as if 2024 is your year to lean into healing? You can find all the ways to work with me HERE.
AND you can always work together with me + Inger Kenobi and other fabulous humans like YOU each week by joining SHINE and make serious progress on your creative journey!
with love,
This email is reader supported. This one was typed while I sipped decaf and ate just 3 donut holes- such restraint! . YOU are one of my sacred priorities dear reader!
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This painting sold last week to a collector in Colorado Springs! I couldn’t be happier! Click HERE to see all of my originals for sale…