Get SOURCED: A Guided Introduction to the Shamanic Journey
Do any of these describe you?
- You're exhausted from trying to make life work on your own.
- You've tried meditation but feel too jazzed to sit still for very long. Your mind is going a mile a minute.
- You've heard about shamanic journeying and are curious, but don’t know where to begin.
- You're a rule breaker, maverick and tend to see things differently than others.
If you said yes, this class just might be perfect for you:)
Get SOURCED: A Guided Introduction to the Shamanic Journey.
I wanted to share with you a simple (and incredibly powerful) tool that has literally changed my life. It is Shamanic Journeying. I remember being curious about taking my first journey, but hesitated. I longed for a guide.
I have created this 90 minute class so you can understand a bit about what shamanism is and test out the methods for yourself. Shamanism is a set of tools and a way of viewing the world, not a religion. It’s something that must be experienced and not learned by listening to a lecture. Having a guide helps enormously. This practice has helped me to live my life with courage and enthusiasm.
Journeying is a tool that is ancient and is powerful. It is a unique methodology for connecting to benevolent and compassionate spirits for support, for healing and for guidance. Many of the people and clients who I have shared this work with find that it’s something they return to again and again. It’s wonderfully simple and can be done anywhere via a pair of ear-buds and an mp3 player:)
This Class is for you if:
- You are exhausted from trying to make life work on your own.
- You have tried meditation but feel too jazzed to sit still for very long.
- You have heard about shamanic journeying and are curious, but don’t know where to begin.
- You are a rule breaker, maverick and tend to see things differently.
- You find that you FEEL GOOD in nature and would like to feel that way more often?
- You want more mind-body-spirit connection but are not sure how to get it.
- You have journeyed before and would like to continue to explore with a guide.
- If you balk at the idea of sitting quietly and listening to a lecture- you learn by “doing”.
- You often get the feeling that you do not fit in or don’t belong.
- If you are a seeker and feel like something is missing- you want to have a personal relationship with spirit but nothing else, thus far has gotten you there.
- You desire guidance from a higher source on a more regular basis.
- You read What the Walrus Knows and cannot figure out what your Core Beastie (or power animal) is.
- You have a love of adventure.
- You are Jewish, Catholic, Buddhist, Lutheran or Hindu- this practice can complement your religion, but this is not a religion.
I cannot wait to be your guide and drum for you.
Honor, Don’t Appropriate: A note on Cultural Appropriation
I deeply value and honor all cultures and do not support appropriation. I do not guide the shamanic journey by appropriating a specific cultural practice from a culture to which I do not belong, rather my work is grounded in “Core Shamanism which consists of the universal, near-universal, and common features of shamanism, together with journeys to other worlds, a distinguishing feature of shamanism. As originated, researched, and developed by Michael Harner, the principles of Core Shamanism are not bound to any specific cultural group or perspective. Since the West overwhelmingly lost its shamanic knowledge centuries ago due to religious oppression, the Foundation's programs in Core Shamanism are particularly intended for Westerners to reacquire access to their rightful spiritual heritage through quality workshops and training courses.
Training in Core Shamanism includes teaching students to alter their consciousness through classic shamanic non-drug techniques such as sonic driving, especially in the form of repetitive drumming, so that they can discover their own hidden spiritual resources, transform their lives, and learn how to help others. Core Shamanism does not focus on ceremonies, such as those of Native American medicine men and women, persons who do both shamanism and ceremonial work.”
Get Sourced
A Guided Introduction to the Shamanic Journey.
You’ll receive access to a brand new (recorded in 2020) version of the course with both mp3 and video.
Read the full product description here