Twenty Signs Shamanic Healing Might be Beneficial for You

Shamanic Healing by Sarah Seidelmann
Hello and welcome! Have you been wondering what situations, conditions can be helped by shamanic healing? Much illness/suffering in our lives originates from alienation/neglect of the soul or the spiritual aspect of life. Shamanic healing aims to cure the spiritual aspect of whatever we are suffering from- physical, spiritual or emotional.  To help, I compiled a brief (by no means comprehensive) list of feeling states or conditions in which shamanic healing may be helpful:)

Symptoms which indicate shamanic healing may be helpful are (but, not limited to..):

1.  I feel like I don’t belong here.
2.  I feel like a stranger to this world.
3.  I’m having difficulty being present or focused.
4.  I’ve lost my interest in something (for ex: work, sex, food, creativity)- my passion is gone.
5.  After “X” happened, I knew I was different (divorce, death, birth of a child…for example)
6.  I’ve lost my joy/enthusiasm. I don’t care anymore.
7.  I feel so confused about how to find my way forward.  I need clarity on a difficult situation.
8.  I don’t remember large parts of my life.
9.  I can’t recover from an emotional trauma. I’m feeling unable to  stop obsessing over it.
10.  I can’t put closure to something- an event, a relationship, a job that ended.
11.  I feel exhausted all of the time.
12.  I feel stuck.
13. I’m experiencing chronic illness.
14.  I’m experiencing chronic pain.
15.  I used to be successful and now I’m having trouble paying my bills, feeding my family.
16.  A series of things have happened and I feel like I suddenly have “bad luck” or I’m somehow cursed?
17.  I have localized illness- such as arthritis, hepatitis, skin disease.
18.  A person close to me died and since then I can’t seem to recover despite having significant time to grieve.
19.  I feel drawn to this kind of healing even though I am not entirely sure why.
20.  I want to have a greater connection to my own spirit.
The most important question to ask yourself is this:  DO YOU WANT TO BE HEALED?
Note:  In some cases, shamanic healing is not INSTEAD of traditional allopathic medicine but, in addition to.  If you have questions, or want to learn more please read more about shamanic healing here.

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  1. Mara Fallon on July 6, 2021 at 7:51 pm

    Dear Sarah,
    I read your book Swimming with Elephants and loved it. I love your courage and trust in the universe.
    I am hoping that you can respond to my situation.
    I would like to give my son the gift of working with you as a career guide.
    What do you suggest I do to see this happening.
    My affirmation ,
    Thank you for your spiritual work.

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