Confusion Called and I Answered with Stillness
Prayer for the Dying
Travel lightly.
Take only the blessings.
There will still be singing.
Everyone leaves things undone.
All of it is forgiven.
Your body knows what to do,
the same as when you were born.
You will be loved and remembered.
You are held in the great web.
It’s ok that this wasn’t supposed to happen.
We are all learning.
You did enough if you did one thing good.
It’s ok to miss hugs and peaches.
It’s ok to be homesick for Earth.
You will hear your loved ones talk to you.
It’ll be beautiful when you touch them back.
You will be magic in their lives.
You’ll live on as hope.
You are now the passing torch.
With love that binds, in peace let go
Written by Lara Daciuk O’Connor
Dear Creators of Wonder and MAGIC,
If you are new here- welcome! I hope you find things here that help you find your FEELGOOD and follow it. I believe it will take you GREAT places.
My wonderful and beautiful mom (she taught me how to PRAY) was diagnosed with stage IV Lung Cancer 20 months ago. Recently, she became very ill with sepsis (she is now back home, thankfully, and feeling much better).
It has been an absolute miracle (Thank you AMAZING breakthrough!) to have these past almost 2 years with her. We all think of them as miraculous. My sister has returned home and we are all spending much precious time together.
In the midst of this, I had recently launched my course “Living Stoked”, excited about the possibility of helping others build their own altars.
A few beautiful people have signed up for the course as of today, but something felt off despite all the work I had put into developing it.
And now, is the time when I would really need to begin marketing it more to fill the course. Mentioning it. Making videos etc.
But, I can’t find it in me.
As I sit in stillness, I realize that what I need to do now is to be available…. for my family.
To be available for my mom.
To be available for myself.
A part of me, (my harsh inner dictator/nun with nunchucks!) rises up to scold me, “You are pathetic!” I gently remind her, with as much compassion as I can muster, that it is OK to retreat. We will be helpers and out in the world once again.
And another part of me (My sweet inner creative director) rejoices that we now have permission to go inward now and make more time for all the things that need to be felt and expressed. In words and in art.
Getting to know these parts of myself has been such a gift this year.
So, for now, I will not being offering “Living stoked” but, I will continue offering my coaching and shamanic healing to 1:1 clients. I find this spirit work to be so rewarding and sweet! You can learn more about those services here.
I hope to teach this altar building course (or whatever it is that my divinity has mind for me) at some point in the future.
My prayer for you is that you find the path now that feels the sweetest and most aligned with your essential self who is perennially curious, calm, clear, connected, confidant, creative, compassionate, and courageous.
From conversations I am having with others, a lot of us are feeling the push/pull, the yes/ know and the deep confusion.
Inspired by the current state of the stars and planets as reported by Astrologer KayPacha (listening to these mythic level perspectives has become a weekly ritual at our house in the pandemic!) I wrote this little tidbit that is resonating with a lot of you on Facebook:
Sometimes you reach a moment when you realize you are *there*.
You have arrived at the destination you set sail for so many years ago.
And, slowly, an entirely different trailhead arises before you.
And it’s a RELIEF.
In a way, it’s been there all along just waiting for you.
And you have the internal sense that this adventure will be the sweetest yet.
It’s more than a bit distressing to let go of all the painstakingly made plans, investments, and what you “thought” you were supposed to be doing for this thing you’re freshly aware of.
But, you BEGIN without hesitation!
And it is joy.
I keep receiving lovely texts and messages about how much the DECK AND NEW BOOK are helping in these wild times.
“I love Alice. In fact, I NEED Alice. So I am eternally grateful to Sarah for putting Alice’s salty, nourishing wisdom into human language so we can all read it! For all you tender fierce hearts out there– here is the daily spiritual vitamin you’ve been longing for.”
Katherine North, author of Holy Heathen: A Spiritual Memoir
(My daughter Josephine is deftly handling all the packaging/shipping- so please order away!)
Thank you for your LOVE! If it feels good, I would absolutely love a review from you at Amazon or Goodreads for the book. YOUR WORDS help out independent authors, like me, SO MUCH! Thank you!.
Sending you BIG LOVE!!
P.S. For continuous inspiration- please follow me at instagram where I am sharing frequent “FEELGOOD Card of the Day” videos and more.
Sarah- I love the daily readings with you and Alice. It is amazing how they speak to me everyday. I am keeping you and your family in my prayers through this journey with your mother. I know how important those mother/daughter relationships are! My mother died 5 years ago and I miss her everyday. Also thank you for sharing the poem on dying. I was a hospice and grief counselor for 17 years (at Essentia) and continue my grief work in private practice. You are a blessing and I look forward someday taking a course/adventure with you. God Bless you and keep you- Deb
Thank you soooo much Deb and for doing the work you do–it is so important! Grateful!!