Lessons from Ayahuasca: The Gift of Imperfectionism

Dear Creators of WONDER and MAGIC-
Thank you for being here. I’m grateful for your visit and I dream that what you find here encourages and uplifts you. Together we get better!
I’m freshly back from Peru and wanted to share a lesson I learned from the Spirt of Ayahuasca, a powerful plant medicine. I’ve shared other stories from past plant medicine ceremonies and this one was no less powerful.
One of the maladies I wrestle with in my creative career (and in my life In general) is perfectionism. Excellence is wonderful to pursue, but perfectionism is lethal to life and especially to love.
So I thought this would be an excellent thing to take to a spiritual master such as Ayahuasca for healing. And I’m so grateful that I did.
CLICK ON THE IMAGE BELOW TO WATCH (7 1/2 minute story)
Maybe perfectionism isn’t dogging you in life. but it’s your fear of the future OR a lack of confidence in your ideas OR something all together different? Whatever it is, I guarantee it will pop up when you do your creative work. And doing that creative work is what will help you realize the truth: You are a conduit for MAGIC. If you allow it.
That’s why I’ve designed a group experience for us to practice expressing our creativity so we can discover and move through whatever blocks us.
And (best of all) we will probably be delightfully astonished at what is possible when we show up fo ourselves just 15 minutes a day. We might just fall in love with ourselves a little more….
I hope you’ll consider joining us as we embark together on this adventure on June 1 (we will have supportive materials before that to help you select your project!)
(see details below!)
Watch my video interview of Kim, whose 100 days yielded SO MANY GIFTS that we both choked up just talking about it.
Do you need more info about the #100 day project . You can read more here.
Or, if you are already saying YES, you can simply join now:
To join please Venmo (@Sarah-Seidelmann) or PayPal ([email protected]) 93.00 to me with CREATIVE SOUL RETRIEVAL in the memo. At less than $1.00 a day, I believe this is an excellent way to invest in yourself, your integrity, and your creativity.
Then I’ll send you the link to join the Facebook group.
There will be 4 Zooms (all recorded in case you have to miss one!) + a private Facebook group
Wednesday May 19 (setting intentions and getting clear on our project)
Tuesday June 8 (A check in)
Tuesday July 20 (A check in the messy middle! 1/2 way to finishing)
August 28 (tweaks, what are we learning?)
September 9 (a wrap up and celebration the the fruits of our labors! 101st day)
Why join now? June seems so far away? Because you’ll be really glad for the time to explore what project you’ll choose!
If you are unable to pay the full amount and truly want to do this work together, please contact me and we will work it out.
I am open and seeing people in person again (and via Zoom/Facetime too!)- so if you are feeling the pull towards healing or life coaching, please book your sessions here.
with much love,