WARNING: Goats Can Get You Very High and Can Lead to Post Event Collapse Syndrome (PECS)
Here are 5 things I’m Extremely KEEN on this week!
1. Goats Can Get You VERY High. I had an insanely fun Saturday morning doing GOAT YOGA last weekend thanks to an invite from my daughter Katherine. The combination of sunshine, being with beloveds + beasties was unbeatable and it felt wonderful. Later that day, I had another fun art event…it was truly a day of highs. And What goes up must come down. The day after, I experienced a very down day...what I’ve learned to call “post-event collapse” from Susan Pierce Thompson. After a great day or event (wedding/other amazing wonderful thing), there is a tendency to have a rough patch just afterwards. On that down day, I cried (feeling the grief of losing my mom and dad in these last 3 years bubbled up) and I napped. It wasn’t fun, but I have come to recognize (over and over again!) is that it’s OK that what goes up must come down. I had to remind myself that it wasn’t the end the world. Self care and gentleness/compassion with ourselves can help to reduce the suffering of these days.
2. There Are Many Ways To Numb Out and Running is One: One of the writer’s in a group I co-lead with Inger Kenobi published her first book recently. Heather’s memoir is deeply confessional and left me in awe of her resilience to chip away at her conditioning and bring forth her creative, loving and trusting self. This quote stood out to me:
“There were situations in my marriage that I needed to do something about, but I just couldn’t think about the effort that would take. So instead, I pushed my body to master a 26.2 race when I never considered myself a runner. I was unable to do what I needed to, so I ran.”
Maybe you have something else (besides marriage) that’s hard to face? A health challenge, work that no longer sets your soul afire….can you relate? Or maybe instead of running you do something else to avoid the discomfort? I’ve been recognizing that one of the ways that I’ve historically responded to discomfort (or to avoid difficult emotions) is to take charge and get busy. That was how my younger self felt comforted when things got crazy in my childhood home. I still do it today, sometimes, but I am working on leaning into feeling my feelings instead. One thing that has helped me is this WHEEL. I keep it printed on my coffee table.
3. I Can’t Afford To Paint My Art: This is what just one of the voices in my head says to me lately. Do you have one of those too? Paint costs money and so do canvases and so (says the voice!), it stands to reason, that I should only keep painting if I am selling lots and lots of paintings. Last weekend, I had an art exhibition and sold two paintings to two wonderful humans..and still that voice drones on. She’s never going to be satisfied. Our inner critics…they will never be banished and so I need to learn to work with her.
BUT, the TRUTH is that I CAN’T AFFORD NOT TO PAINT MY ART. The process makes me feel more alive. I learn things through painting I can’t learn any other way and I love my paintings SO MUCH. And, oh glorious day!, I have found collectors who delight in them too! So, if you have got a similar voice (maybe its saying “It’s too late!” or “You’re not a skilled enough writer (or coach or speaker or yoga instructor…).” or something else…I hope you speak up and remind her or him about the truth of this matter. If you could use more support on this- join our free one hour class.
4. Quote I’m in love with:
“Dissolve me in a river of stars. Make me part of the emptiness that’s filled with light.”
(an excerpt from “Dichos” by Richard Broderick)
Are you hellbent on claiming your own power, healing your heart, or taking up SPACE in your own life? Getting more support than you think you need is a good idea!
You can schedule vibe-raising divinations, life- coaching, and shamanic healing/mentoring in August HERE. I will be gone for much of September so hopefully you can find a time that works before then!
with love,
This email is reader supported. It’s typed up at my desk near the kitchen from notes I take throughout the week! The best way to support me is to:
1. BUY MY BOOKS (or listen to them on Audible!)
2. Purchase my CARD DECK
2. DOWNLOAD my BEASTIE App for Wild Animal Messages
3. Book a HEALING or COACHING session with me.
4. Take a CLASS from me.
5. Purchase a mug, t-shirt, framed print, tote bag, shower curtain or other magical thing that I have created at MY ART SHOP.
6. FORWARD this newsletter to somebody who you know would enjoy it!
Artists Thrive in Good Company. MIDNIGHT IN PARIS (The Movie) Made me swoon. I’ve been obsessed with the idea of Parisian Salons (places where writers + artists would gather in bars or living rooms to talk creative shop and to share their work.) In college I was obsessed with the radical women Gertrude B. Stein and Alice B. Toklas and their amazing salon and life.
In part this has inspired our Parisian Salon for Working Creatives (AKA: SHINE!) and you are invited to a complimentary 60 minute course!
-Feel more clarity and confidence about your artistic voice 🌈
-Uncover a powerful mantra to grow your creative courage❤️
-Discover what what you need NOW to grow creatively👀
-Remove roadblocks to creative expression….🦋