Sharing Our Hearts Can Be Dangerous, But Not Sharing them Is a Crime
Here is my short list of FEEL GOOD ideas I hope will inspire you!
1. Sharing our hearts through creativity can be dangerous but not sharing them is a crime. This is a cautionary tale about the worst book club I ever attended. Being an artist or writer is scary but the work is necessary.
“It sounded harmless. It was a book club, a group of women that had been getting together for upwards of 27 years. They had a phD psychologist, a social worker and a therapist among them. The day before said book club, I’d been listening to David Sedaris’s MasterClass on writing. He said, “You’re never going to have experiences you can write about if you spend your days scrolling on your phone or glued to zoom or Netflix all day and night: Get out of the house and observe people.” I nodded with recognition and I realized just how isolated I’d been feeling this pandemic winter with work. Lucky for me, I had an invitation to book club lined up. I doubt David Sedaris has ever participated in an Ayahuasca ceremony, and I’m sure he’d have a field day writing about one if he ever does. When you attend an…(continue reading ).
2. Did you know that many artists use the work of other artists to inspire THEIR art? Also synesthesia is a thing!
“Synesthesia is when you hear music, but you see shapes. Or you hear a word or a name and instantly see a color. Synesthesia is a fancy name for when you experience one of your senses through another. For example, you might hear the name “Alex” and see green. Or you might read the word “street” and taste citrus fruit.” ~ WedMD
When I hear songs, it moves me to paint in particular ways. I might paint gently and slowly with green or fast and staccato with little dots and light pink!
Have you ever tried listening to a favorite song and then writing a poem? Or watching a movie and making a collage from it?
I painted this painting (see below) to the beautiful album of Lauren Haberman- her music is here.
Acrylic on canvas “Song of Protection”
3. My sister MARIA BAMFORD is a comedian with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. She made a free show for you! It’s wildly creative and amazing and comes with a watch at your own discretion message. I’m so proud of Maria for her brave work!
“Noooo-CD” is a 3-episode (and in the future up to 12-episode series, dependent on audience interest) semi-autobiographical comedy series about my journey through Intrusive Thoughts OCD. The series will be made very slowly, over a period of a year as VSC (Very Slow Content AKA Slow Business). WATCH NOW.
4. Quote I’m loving this week:
“It can be tough to ask for help because of fear of imposing on a friend or being a burden to them. Yet, on the receiving end, loved ones are often excited at the opportunity to show how much they care. “We underestimate how much our friends love and value us,”
-Marisa G. Franco, a psychologist and author of Platonic: How the Science of Attachment Can Help You Make — and Keep — Friends.
Oh and this one too!
“Life rewards action, not intelligence. Many brilliant people talk themselves out of getting started, and being smart doesn’t help very much without the courage to act.”
-James Clear
Remember, don’t overthink it- get into some sort of tiny action and you’ll start getting unstuck. If you long for support, accountability and loving community- check out SHINE.
5. If you haven’t yet seen my online exhibition LARGESSE- please check it out! ENTER HERE.
You can book vibe-raising divinations, life- coaching, and shamanic healing/mentoring in July HERE.
Whatever challenge or facing or transition you are navigating, getting support is truly wonderful and YOU deserve it!
with love,
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1. BUY MY BOOKS (or listen to them on Audible!)
2. Purchase my CARD DECK
2. DOWNLOAD my BEASTIE App for Wild Animal Messages
3. Book a HEALING or COACHING session with me.
4. Take a CLASS from me.
5. Purchase a mug, t-shirt, framed print, tote bag, shower curtain or other magical thing that I have created at MY ART SHOP.
6. FORWARD this newsletter to somebody who you know would enjoy it!
My online exhibit is READY TO VIEW. ENTER HERE.
If you’re going to be in or near Duluth, Minnesota on August 4th or 5th please save the date and come for a free dance lesson and an art exhibit by me! There are lots of fun places to eat and drink nearby- make a day of it! No experience or partner necessary- beginners welcome! RSVP at the facebook event page to get updates.