Forget Resolutions, You Need A Beastie of the Year for 2022


Hello creators of wonder and magic!

I love this time of year—it’s a time for envisioning what is possible. Being a 7 on the enneagram, this comes naturally to me!  Curious what your enneagram is? Check this test out, it’s the one my favorite enneagram specialist recommends.

I encourage you to take 30 minutes of quiet time for yourself to reflect on the year- what went well (and what could stand for some improvement) and write it down. I often scan through the calendar on my phone, my journal and facebook or Instagram photos to jog my memory.

Then ask yourself…..“Wouldn’t it be cool if…..[fill in the blank whatever you would like to happen in the year ahead]? Try not to squelch anything or judge it as “ridiculous” or outlandish—it may be your very soul attempting to communicate something important to you.

How would you like to grow- what would be enchanting?

Is 2022 the year you will FINALLY, _________? (If you answered “Get that book written!” please check out what we are offering HERE.)

Learned how to nourish yourself.
Recovered from addiction.
Learned to say NO.
Cultivated a small meaningful community of friends.
Got out of debt.
Put myself out there and offered my healing gifts!
De-cluttered and simplified for realisies.
Paid off my mortgage (…or student loans or Credit cards)
Restored your partnership.
Lost the 20 (80 or 100 pounds) and learned how to keep it off. 

A wee story:

A few years ago, I had thought to myself:  “Wouldn’t be cool to audition for a Moth podcast-  or perform at one?”

Even though it scared me- I knew it would be a perfect challenge and growth experience for me.

A few months later, while sitting getting my hair done, my amazing stylist said she was starting a LIVE story telling event locally and WOULD I BE INTERESTED IN TELLING A STORY at her inaugural event?

You cannot make this stuff up!  The Universe is LISTENING to what you are requesting.

I told my first story (scary but oh so awesome) at “Gag Me with a Spoon” a month later and I have returned 4 times since to tell more.  It turned out to be a highlight of my creative year!

What would you like to stretch yourself to do?

Where are your strengths and how could you share them, grow them, challenge them to expand?

What could you use some extra-ordinary help with?

What has been so hard for you “figure out” and you are ready to surrender it to a force greater than yourself?

Once maybe you have written down a few things you would like more of in 2021- post your list prominently!

This year I am offering a “Beastie of the Year” service by donation again. 

I am opening a ceremony and will ask my helping spirits to bring a Beastie of the Year for YOU.

Some people request theirs together (sisters, brothers, couples and friends)! It can be a wonderful new year tradition!

If you’d like A BEASTIE OF THE YEAR for yourself:

  1. Send me your donation (pay what you like) to my Paypal ([email protected] ) or Venmo (@Sarah-Seidelmann)
  2. Give me a few lines (in the memo!) about what you are longing to create/experience/transform in your life in 2021.
  3. Please INCLUDE  your best email.

Then, I will sit at my altar and ask for a Beastie to be shown..the one that can help you in 2021. Then I’ll send you a bit of information, two pages of detailed inspiration from my Book of Beasties and a guided meditation (plus a bonus New Year meditation) to your email. It will arrive in 1-2 days time.

My Paypal address is here: [email protected] 

My Venmo is @Sarah-Seidelmann

Want to discover a Beastie of the YEAR on your own for yourself or

a gaggle of your besties?  You could use my (iOS) APP

“What the Walrus Knows” and use the “divination feature”. 

Simply take turns setting your intention

and pressing the “divine” button and let the Universe choose for you!

You can find the book here:

Each beastie has two big pages on ideas for work, love, relationships, creativity and practices that can help you now:)

I haven’t chosen my beastie yet but here is my first stab at what I am aiming to create in 2022.  I hope it inspires you to make your own list!

To honor my Enneagram 7 type by spending more time in stillness. (I may do a ten day Vispassana silence retreat- gah!!)

To create MORE art + practice CREATIVITY over consumption.

To practice being a person who’s FREE from unhelpful “people pleasing.”

To surrender more fully to my recovery program.

To to love and embrace my inner critic more and more.

If you’d like A BEASTIE OF THE YEAR for yourself:

  1. Send me your donation (pay what you like) to my Paypal ([email protected] ) or Venmo (@Sarah-Seidelmann)
  2. Give me a few lines (in the memo!) about what you are longing to create/experience/transform in your life in 2021.
  3. Please INCLUDE  your best email.

Then, I will sit at my altar and ask for a Beastie to be shown..the one that can help you in 2021. Then I’ll send you a bit of information, two pages of detailed inspiration from my Book of Beasties and a guided meditation (plus a bonus New Year meditation) to your email. It will arrive in 1-2 days time.

My Paypal address is here: [email protected] 

My Venmo is @Sarah-Seidelmann


with love, Sarah


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Serve your soul. Feel good. Learn why this is the most powerful thing you can do.


Books & iPhone App

Do Beasties have a message for you? Are you irrepressible and born to FREAK?


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Live, love and learn how to Feel Good with Sarah - in person or online!


The Stoked Life

A 5-part pre-recorded course on how to approach life the way traditional Shamanic peoples would

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