Choose Your Closest Friends LIke You’re Going to War
Art by me. Purchase original HERE.
Here is my short list of FEEL GOOD ideas I hope will inspire you!
1. Choose Your Closest Friends Like You’re Going to War. I’ve noticed that we all** struggle from time to time with our friendships. So I asked you all to share what you’ve learned so far in life that has helped your friendships and distilled your fabulous insights down into 9 Ways to Embrace Challenges in Your Midlife Female Friendships
**I know about 10% of my readers are men, and I’m guessing many of these tips would also apply to YOU. Let me know what you think.
2. We Vote For the Our Values Every Time We Spend Money. I’m a huge financial planning nerd. For me, money is freedom. I like to think carefully about how I spend the money I have. This list of resources about money is fab. I also am intrigued to try cultivating friendship without money! Whether you’re wanting to retire earlier, get those student loans paid off or save for that fabulous plant medicine retreat, having a goal is HUGE!
3. My Brain is Full of Trash. Negative thoughts. Limiting beliefs. Unhelpful ideas. My friend Amanda thinks of it as Trash and she imagines letting all that stuff drop out of her brain to get rid of it. Here are a few thoughts Amanda listed as “trash”:
- I am a grumpy person
- My best years are behind me
- I hold grudges
- I am not worthy of love
- I am not good with money
- I will be alone forever
- I am awkward in social situations
- I am not good at artIf you are ready to identify and shift a few of yours, head over to the article. She’s got fantastic journaling prompts to help you rid yourself of this limiting junk.
4. Quotes that I can’t stop thinking about:
I am out with lanterns looking for myself
That’s all for now.:)
You can book vibe-raising divinations, life- coaching, and shamanic healing/mentoring into June and July HERE. Getting support and help from the spirits is truly helpful!
with love,
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Save the Date! I will be inviting You in first to preview it before I share with the public!