The Daily Practice That’s Shaped My Life
(The Red Studio by Matisse in my SHINE notebook…I got to see this marvelous painting this week!)
Here are 5 things I’m Extremely KEEN on this week!
1. This Daily Practice Has Shaped My Life. I’ve been doing it since 2008. (CLICK ON IMAGE BELOW TO WATCH 7 minute Video)
2. Set a Timer for 5 minutes and Do One of These! The need for more self love became obvious to me when I was in the Amazon jungle in 2022 sitting with myself for several days in silence alone. What came up? So many things that I disliked about myself. That time helped me release much of it…but theres more! I believe that Liz Gilbertson, my hero, has the cure. She’s got an amazing daily practice that will help you grow your self love!
3. A Documentary Recommendation. When I read Anthony Bourdain’s memoir (Kitchen Confidential), I was hooked. I had no idea what went on behind a restaurant’s closed doors. His death by suicide left me wondering more about his life. This film about his life is wonderful. No candy coating.
4. Artist Dates Are Vitamins for A Creative’s Soul. The idea of an artist’s date from Julia Cameron’s “The Artists’ Way book is a powerful one. Take yourself somewhere that interests you and let yourself explore and wander. I got to do that in Brooklyn and NYC last week and got to see one of my favorite paintings at The Museum of Modern Art (The Red Studio by Matisse) and I immediately filled my sketchbook with so many new ideas for paintings and writing.
My journal got a huge BOOST in September from a workshop Inger taught in SHINE. I’m drawing in it almost daily! Get immediate access to that by joining us.
5. Pull A Card To Guide Your Art or Creative Business. Are you an artist longing to sell your work or a creative entrepreneur or coach/yoga teacher/healer not otherwise specified? I’ve always been a fan of asking spirit for help and Simone Seol created a neat deck to help you do that- you can pull a card now (virtually!) I loved the card I received!
6. Body Oil I’m In Love With. As the days grow darker, drier and colder- I need to protect the carcass and keep my spirits lifted. This body oil smells like an orange grove in blossom and it sooo YUM. I treated myself!
As always, you can schedule vibe-raising divinations, life- coaching, and shamanic healing/mentoring HERE.
with love,
This email is reader supported. It’s typed up at my desk near the kitchen from notes I take throughout the week! The best way to support me is to:
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