Newsletter March 27: Feng Shui your way to feeling good!

Our collage like living room makes me happy!

Hello dear creators of beauty and wonder!

FEELing GOOD is often a inside it’s true that meditation, reading inspirational stuff, yoga, being in Nature, spending time in solitude can all be fabulous……annnnnnd I’ll also add that our environments  have an enormous impact on us.  It’s definitely harder to FEEL GOOD when we’re surrounded by clutter….when we’re starved for beauty…..or when our spaces don’t support our energetic awesomesauce-ness

I used to dabble in interior design with my friend Suzi who’s a full time designer and we made a few videos back in the day…here’s is one on Feng Shui…the art of working with the energies (chi) in your home..or with buildings.  These principles can sound esoteric but really they are practical and very simple.


I just got to meet the delightful Amanda Gibby Peters (that’s her above with her daughters!)  in Dallas, TX who’s clients rave about her work. She can work in person or virtually with you.  Her site is chock full of inspiration…and here she gives 5 tips to get Feng Shui-ed at home—so that your home can support YOU and your loved ones!  Does your environment need a boost-  Amanda might be a huge help:)

Wanting to learn more in a group setting?  The awesome Anna Kunnecke (who I teach the Virtual Yurt for Rapscallion Wordslingers with) is offering her signature Queen Sweep Program for FREE this spring…it starts in April and if you show up and do the class (it’s virtual and you’ll get the recordings if you can’t be there) I assure you that your life will begin to rock in ways you could not have imagined!


from Anna:
“Imagine coming home and being wrapped in comfort.  Imagine your space ready to welcome you, nurture you, support you.

You turn your head and you’re flooded with gratitude.  A jar of yellow flowers, the quickest flash of gold.

You set down your purse, your wallet tucked inside—they’re solid, timeless, gorgeous.

You deserve to feel proud of your finances, proud of how you earn and spend, because you’re grounded.  Calm.  Crystal clear. “

Much love and happy CHI flowing!, Sarah

P.S.  I share hour by hour inspiration at my Facebook page so if you’d like to connect more frequently-  follow my page:).

P.S.S.  A heartfelt request:   If you’ve read either of my books and enjoyed them I would appreciate very much a review at AMAZON:)  Reviews from readers like YOU get small books like mine “seen” by other readers.  Thank you!  You can add reviews here:  What the Walrus Knows   Born to FREAK

P.S.S.  BIG NEWS!  the FREE version of the What the Walrus knows app is here!  Download and share the love!  15 Beasties are within to inspire and excite you!
walrus is FREE




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The Stoked Life

A 5-part pre-recorded course on how to approach life the way traditional Shamanic peoples would


  1. […] it out here. but more importantly, if you are willing to see just how good things can get for you, WORK WITH […]

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