Goosebumps Are the New Prozac


(my new professional photo from Jen Clark Photography!)

Here is my short list of FEEL GOOD ideas I hope will inspire you! 

1. Goosebumps are the new prozac:  If you are ADHD (like me!) or suspect you have a few strong traits, you are likely seeking out dopamine in both helpful and non-helpful ways.   Experiencing AWE is a powerful way to get some dopamine and lift your mood/your life. Some of my favorite ways to get goosebumps are to share stories of spiritual synchronicities, listen to music that deeply moves me and to go out in nature for a 20 minute walk with the intention of discovering AWE. Learn more about this wonderful method for boosting your mood here. 

2. Denzel Washington is the Man. I really admired how he counseled Will Smith after he physically attached Chris Rock Oscars last year.  He said to Will,

“At your highest moment, be careful. That’s when the devil comes for you.”  So brilliant. Stay woke and beware your shadow.

But, last week I really loved what he had to say about the fear of being criticized.  Those of us who are out there being vulnerable with our creative work are often scared to death somebody is going to cry foul on us, but Denzel says not to worry:

“You will never be criticized by someone who is doing more than you.”

It feels like a variation on Brene Brown’s the speech by Teddy Roosevelt…the idea that she’s not interested in receiving feedback from anybody unless they TOO are in the arena and getting bloodied and “striving valiantly”.

Now that you know what Denzel says, it’s easy to deal with criticism about your work…just DON’T (unless of course it inspired yo to get better at what you do!).

3. Should You Stay or Should You Go? I often speak with humans who are trying to make a big decision:  To stay or quit their job, to remain in one house or move to another, to remain in a relationship or cut ties….all of these sorts of decisions are made much harder by the voices in our head which are usually motivated by culture (i.e.  we are afraid to screw up, to blow it, to regret our choice or we are worried how it might “look” to others). The key, I think we already know, is to get still and hear the quiet voice (which we are supposed to, then, heed!).  But that can be harder than we think!.

Here’s a handy trick phrase from Martha Beck to try when you can’t decide!  “I AM MEANT TO LIVE IN PEACE”.  Try sitting with yourself and repeating this phrase out loud 10 times.  Watch your whole body/mind/spirit relax a little….and then notice what you feel NOW about the decision.  Take some notes.  It’s likely that the confusion will descend again and again, but each time to repeat this process you’ll get more information of what your inner most being truly desires…and that part of you is never wrong. LIsten to Martha and Ro’s podcast on this topic for more. 

4. My All TIme Favorite Lip Balm:  It’s forgiving with my sloppy application and soothing year around and makes me look more ALIVE.  Get it here. 

If you are traveling a difficult passage right now, getting more support than you think you need is a good idea!You can book vibe-raising divinations, life- coaching, and shamanic healing/mentoring in July + August HERE. 

with love,
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If you’re going to be in or near Duluth, Minnesota on August 4th or 5th please save the date and come for a free dance lesson and an art exhibit by me!  There are lots of fun places to eat and drink nearby- make a day of it!  No experience or partner necessary- beginners welcome!  RSVP at the facebook event page to get updates.


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