Turquoise Sells and More Wisdom for Aspiring Artists and Creators


Yes I saw the Barbie movie and YES I am going a second time this week.  There was something so delightful and LIFE BRINGING in this movie made by women for women.  Highly recommend.

Here is my short list of FEEL GOOD ideas I hope will inspire you! 

1. Turquoise Sells and 21 Other Ideas for a Newish Artist or Writer to Try!  After thinking about my creative influences (see train cars above), I remembered I’d been meaning to compile all of the juicy wisdom I’ve gathered from British painter Emily Powell.  She’s so encouraging and full of practical ideas to expand your art or writing practice. READ THEM ALL HERE. 

2. You Are the Result of Your Everyday Habits.  The opening the cupboard 25 times a day to snatch a handful of pistachios results in tighter pants.  The 10 times a week you find stillness, stretch your back and legs, and go inward makes you more resilient and compassionate.  Some of our well worn habits vote for the person we want to become (reading wonderful books) and many don’t (binging oreos and overdrinking).  Have you read Atomic Habits, but never were able to get a morning habit stack going? I created this class for you!! Your future self will love you for it!

3. Quote I’m Vibing with: 

“….the heartbreaks that routinely befall us – personally, societally or universally – are, in fact, the necessary gifts of change. These painful upheavals always provide us with the option for self-destruction or for transcendence. Heartbreak can be the engine of obliteration or growth. The choice is ours.”

~Nick Cage

4. It Was Just Going to Be A Soft Launch….  Word has gotten out on the street about our lifetime membership creativity salon and we are already 15 members strong.  We are all feeling so energized that we are inviting you to join. Soft launch tomorrow (Tuesday!) but formally launching Sept 18th)

Here are 11 Reasons to join:

1. Because you want to get clear on what your creative work actually is and fully understand how to work on it and make it happen.

2. Because you know in your heart-of-hearts that you’re capable of so much more, but you need the right people to get you there.

3. Because it’s kind of maddening how many of your best ideas are still trapped in the ether.

4. Because you’re ready for your creativity to be an ally for growth, joy, freedom, and expansion.

5. Because it’s time to spend more time on your art than your chores.

6. Because you’re crazy talented and you know it. But sharing your gifts makes you want to vomit and you would love to sell and market your work without freaking out your nervous system.

7. Because it’s not just about the things you get to create, but the life you get to live.

8. Because you’re ready to expand into a mind-boggling bigger vision of who you thought you could be.

9. Because you want to create more than you consume.

10. Because you want to bask in the magical vibe of a community that is free of guilt, shame, panic, and stress.

11. Because you look forward to having all the breakthroughs, the progress, and the satisfaction you’ve been dreaming of.


If you are traveling a difficult passage right now, getting more support than you think you need is a good idea! You can book vibe-raising divinations, life- coaching, and shamanic healing/mentoring in July + August HERE. 

with love,
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If you’re going to be in or near Duluth, Minnesota on August 4th or 5th please save the date and come for a free dance lesson and an art exhibit by me!  There are lots of fun places to eat and drink nearby- make a day of it!  No experience or partner necessary- beginners welcome!  RSVP at the facebook event page to get updates.


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