12 Quick Ways to Get Clear Quick

Hello creators of WONDER and M A G I C!
One of the things I hear sometimes from my clients ( and notice in my own life) is the sense that things are overwhelming…”I’m just so busy right now!”….or “My house is a disaster right now…” or “I can barely keep things straight—I’m just trying to get through today..”.
Our heads, our closets, our kitchen counters, our schedules, our bodies can get muddled…crowded…overstuffed and cloudy.
In the shamanic work I do, sometimes the spirits suggest extraction work is needed…that essentially helps to clear our spirits of debris- thoughts, emotions, constraints and other unhelpful elements in our own energetic fields. Stuff that doesn’t belong. We all accumulate this stuff. Feeling good and taking action to empower ourselves can minimize this. Fostering a relationship with a spirit animal can also minimize this sort of spiritual clutter…making us clearer and brighter.
When we increase clarity—or cleanse—even in some tiny way—it supports us….it helps us feel peaceful, more organized..more resilient..more focused.
Here are 12 ways to bring more clarity to your life that won’t take more than 10 minutes each.
1. Clean out your purse.
2. Put a three day JUICE CLEANSE on your calender and allow your body to detox. If you’re local I suggest @juice pharm – or find a local organic juice presser in your town:) 3. Fill three grocery bags with stuff that no longer serves you (do it in 10 minutes)- )books, shoes, toys nobody plays with anymore….)–put the BAGS in the FRONT SEAT of your car and drop off at the donation center STAT:)
4. Put yourself to bed at 7:30 PM– read or meditate for 15 minutes and then sleep- its one of the most detoxifying things you can do for your carcass. It cleanses and defragments your body’s hard drive.
5. Go outside. Breathe in the wild clean air. Just notice what you see, taste, smell, hear or just know in the moment.
6. Hang up, fold or put away everything that has not been put away in your closet.
7. Empty your medicine cabinet/bathroom drawer…sort, toss, wipe down and replace.
8. Go in your calender and BLOCK off free time for you. Book a massage. A date with yourself…
9. CLEANSE your calender….is there anything in there that feels “SHACKLES ON”- (something that no longer serves you)? Find a way to bag it, barter it OR (if it’s something truly beneficial like teeth cleaning etc…)then better it.
10. Toss your tax documentation previous to the last 5 years and ALL THE OTHER SHREDDABLE paper that has built up and bring it to STAPLES or Office Max to have it shredded.
11. Take a “shaman’s bath” to clear your energetic field- 1/2 cup of sea salt plus 1/2 cup baking soda and I like to add some essential oils- geranium or rose:) Soak silently for 10 minutes- with the intention to purify and rinse off in the shower to finish it off.
12. Get rid of the 47 bajillion mismatched tupperware items you have for leftovers/etc. Edit down to 6-8 identical containers. Or (if you must) buy 6 new medium identical ones. When they are all used up- you’ll know its time to eat or dump your leftovers. Or use saran or wax paper. No more hunting. Tip from www.organizationallyours.com ( I love this lady!!).
(BONUS #13!)
13. Go on a shamanic journey and visit with your loving and compassionate spirits- ask them to cleanse you and heal you?:) Notice how you feel when you return….
Is there an onerous project that is something you’d like to complete but the thought of doing it alone makes you want to hurl? Mine was whipping up 150 bottles of flower essences for my ongoing supply for clients/classes. I DID IT! With help from my amazing 12 year old. She got 35 bucks in cash and I got a fabulous supply of essences beautifully made.
Get a partner- hire your kid- barter with a friend but whatever you do—don’t go it alone!:) You deserve to have love, support and to FEEL GOOD!
Is this your year to get clear, become more of who you really are, heal your body or to clear the dust from your life? You can book a shamanic healing session or complimentary consultation here.
With BIG love, Sarah
I love these suggestions! This is so where I am right now. I am willing to do these things today which in and of itself is great! My closet is getting better and I am so grateful for Fashion February.