Set YourSelf FREE to Do The Work You Were Born to Do

Back in 2008, sitting behind my microscope in the hospital and hunting for disease all day, I felt miserable more days than not. I couldn’t put a finger on what was wrong, exactly. Sure, I was an exhausted mom, a sometimes frustrated co-worker and working ten hour days was hard, but a part of me knew there was more to it. Something was missing.
I decided to do something about it. I hired my first life coach. Oh my gosh….had I known the immense relief I would get from pouring my heart out to her…I would have called sooner! [work with me like this!] Those sessions led to deep insights about myself and I was hungry for more. Eventually I joined Martha Beck’s coach training and learned even more ways to dig myself out of the misery I was in.
I want everybody who wants it to have an introduction and opportunity to practice all the marvelous things I learned in those 3-4 years (and continue to practice to this day!). What I learned in those years was so precious. I connected with my essence.
Not everybody has the funds or the inclination to hire a 1:1 coach as I did. I know that, for me, it was EXTREMELY hard to consider investing money in something that seemed so “frivolous” (life-coaching)…but dang that was NOT the part of me who believed in possibility.
So, I sat down and reflected on what was most critical. I thought about what I always wanted to impart with my 1:1 clients over the months that I worked with them.
Next, I blocked out the lessons, shot the videos, wrote the journaling prompts and packaged it all up in a digital online course. And here’s what this course can do for you if you truly show up and do the work:
It Will Set You FREE to Do the Work You Were Born To Do.
Sound good to you?
Well, it’s got a funny name because I have a Born to FREAK brain and FUN is important to me:
Think Johnny-Depp-Pirates-of-the-
And the price of the course is going up in 5 days (Sunday at Midnight!). So, I wanted to invite you (my most precious and favorite people) to have a chance to get it at the lower price.
There is still time in this quietude of Fall 2020 to dig deeper with yourself and to unravel and uncover who you are becoming and to get a clearer vision of what your work in the world.
There is no time like now.
So, why wait? Climb aboard!!
Sending you BIG LOVE!!
P.S. Are you at Instagram? Please follow me there where I am sharing frequent “FEELGOOD Card of the Day” videos and more.