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BEAM: A 30 Day Creative Soul Retrieval with Sarah and Inger

When: January 28 @ 8:00 am - February 27 @ 5:00 pm CST

Cost: $50

Learn More and Sign Up: https://www.ingerkenobi.com/beam


Many of us put creativity off, but creativity is too delicious, too holy, too magnificent, and too dang YEEHAW-generating to be put on hold. 

To quote Elizabeth Gilbert, “A creative life is an AMPLIFIED LIFE. It’s a bigger life, a happier life, an expanded life, and a hell of a lot more interesting life.”

Getting started is often the most difficult part, but once you’re in the creative flow: 

You discover the extreme delight of really liking what you’re working on. 

You also learn that not everything will turn out perfect, and that’s FINE!

You become happier and more energized. 

You let go of the illusion of ‘finding the right time.’ 

You no longer dwell on, ‘Why me? Who cares? What’s the point?’ 
Instead, you sit with the question, ‘Who will I become if I pursue this?’ 
You understand that your ideas come to you for a reason, and you grow your ability to collaborate with your muse/the divine/the Universe/magic/creative forces. 

​Learn more and register HERE.