
Woman of Medicine | Shamanic Mentor | Author


Sarah Seidelmann is a true medicine woman and everything she creates is good for what ails us.”

- Martha Beck, New York Times bestselling author of "The Way of Integrity."

Sarah Bamford Seidelmann is a 4th generation physician, accomplished author, and shamanic healer. Her celebrated and unconventional work aims to restore the soul.

Upcoming Events

Shine with Inger and Sarah

Spend more hours per week on your creativity, even if your mantra is, 'there is never enough time.'
Work on creative projects, even if you don't know what they will lead to.
Join a community of creatives, even if you've never called yourself as an artist (before).

Books by Sarah Seidelman


"How Good Are You Willing to Let it Get is guaranteed to lift your mood, put a spring in your step, and pull you out of whatever funk that old logical brain of yours has plunged you into at any given moment...This book and card deck are designed to assist with this level of human homework."

- Christiane Northrup, M.D., New York Times best-selling author of Goddesses Never Age, The Wisdom of Menopause, and Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom

What the Walrus Knows iPhone & iPad App

"I am hooked!
This app is So. Much. Fun. And it yields amazing insights. It is also a wonderful companion to Sarah’s delightful book, “THE BOOK OF BEASTIES” So many things to love about this app! It is simple to use and the beastie art and sounds are fabulous."


Featured Blog Posts

Ever Feel Invisible?

July 9, 2021

Dear Creators of WONDER and MAGIC- Last week my sister Maria  (click link to listen to her perform “My sister Sarah the Life coach!) who is a WORLD famous comedian was in town with her husband Scott and we had a wonderful visit! (all of us with Dad at the Knife River!) I had brunch with Maria + Scott and a lovely mutual friend.  As we were…

Why Do a 100 Day Project?

February 11, 2021

As I write, I just completed my most recent #100dayproject. The more I learn from talking with others who have completed their own #100days the more STOKED I get.  These are game changing, life-affirming,  limiting-belief-busting exercises. And, they only require a wee bit of time from you. MY PROJECT:For my recent project I decided to post one daily piece of digitally collaged art with Beasties.  I…

Transform Your Social Media Triggers Into Personal Growth Gold in 4 Steps

December 16, 2020

Social media can be a joyful and wonderful place to share connections.  But, if you’ve still got a pulse, there are days when it’s a smorgasbord of posts ready to ambush your ego. Encountering these triggering images and words can cause us to experience moments of “compare and despair”, jealousy, hurt or even outrage!   On any given challenging day, I might be triggered by: Post: …

Set YourSelf FREE to Do The Work You Were Born to Do

September 16, 2020

Back in 2008, sitting behind my microscope in the hospital and hunting for disease all day, I felt miserable more days than not.  I couldn’t put a finger on what was wrong, exactly.  Sure, I was an exhausted mom, a sometimes frustrated co-worker and working ten hour days was hard, but a part of me knew there was more to it. Something was missing. I decided…

Confusion Called and I Answered with Stillness

September 3, 2020

Prayer for the Dying Travel lightly. Take only the blessings. There will still be singing. Everyone leaves things undone. All of it is forgiven. Your body knows what to do, the same as when you were born. You will be loved and remembered. You are held in the great web. It’s ok that this wasn’t supposed to happen. We are all learning. You did enough…