
Woman of Medicine | Shamanic Mentor | Author


Sarah Seidelmann is a true medicine woman and everything she creates is good for what ails us.”

- Martha Beck, New York Times bestselling author of "The Way of Integrity."

Sarah Bamford Seidelmann is a 4th generation physician, accomplished author, artist, and shamanic healer.

Her celebrated and unconventional work aims to restore the soul.

Check out Sarah’s new Bounday Workbook!

Books by Sarah Seidelman


"This workbook shines a light on how you can turn any uncomfortable situation into boundary gold."

- Inger Kenobi, author of How Do I Look? The Year I Stopped Shopping"

What the Walrus Knows iPhone & iPad App

"I am hooked!
This app is So. Much. Fun. And it yields amazing insights. It is also a wonderful companion to Sarah’s delightful book, “THE BOOK OF BEASTIES” So many things to love about this app! It is simple to use and the beastie art and sounds are fabulous."


Featured Blog Posts

True Confidence Is Moving Forward In Uncertainty.

November 23, 2022

“Let me keep my distance, always, from those who think they have the answers. Let me keep company always with those who say “Look!” and laugh in astonishment, and bow their heads.” ~Mary Oliver, “Mysteries, Yes” (art by me) 5 FEEL GOOD Things I Want to Share with YOU!  1. You can watch “Stutz” on Netflix now.  It’s an interesting + vulnerable doc about therapist…

Daring to be Irrelevant Since 1967

November 17, 2022

1. DARE TO BE IRRELEVANT.  I have these words pinned to the board above my desk to remind me that I do my best work when I focus on what I think of what I’m making  (not what others do!). As a creative, it’s so deadly to let the “concern of what others will think” about my work into my head. The trouble is that I…

The One Space in Your Home You Don’t Wan’t to Ignore

November 1, 2022

This week’s list of 5 things to explore that just might FEEL GOOD…. 1. If there is one space you don’t want to ignore in your home, according to Feng Shui, according to Amanda Gibby Peters, it is the CENTER.  In Our House of Integrity Course (Tiger’s Nest), we have been working to bring the highest and most vibrant energy to this space and our…

Take Yourself on a Mini-Pilgrimage and More

August 16, 2022

Phew! This last week has felt INTENSE!  The astrologers say there is A LOT going on right now in the sky, so it’s a good idea to TAKE IT EASY with ourselves. The full moon is on Thursday-always a good day to be gentle with yoursel, take stock of all of your blessings and release what no longer serves. Here are some FEEL GOOD ideas that…

All About NEAT and Other Things You Need to Know…

August 8, 2022

(All about #boundaries– a piece from my Project- “My Summer of No: 100 Days of Self-Respecting Boundaries” ) Oooo there were SO MANY good ideas I ran across this week-  it was hard to choose just 6!  But, here goes…. 1. ALL about NEAT:  I am a huge fan of Bright Line Eating  (a movement for food addicts to recover and become happy, thin and free)  I…