When Your World Shrinks and You Remember What Matters Most.

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(me and my Mom)

Dearest creators of magic and wonder,

It’s that time of year when I usually relish dreaming new dreams and projects and improvements in my work, life, relationships etc. But something just happened that makes that normal process seem perfectly unimportant.

My mom was diagnosed with metastatic lung cancer- treatable but not curable …on the day after Christmas.

Maybe you too are still reeling from some awful news or painful grief. When bad things happen, it shrinks your world in a rather miraculous way.

All the superfluous stuff or people or worries you thought were important  instantly vaporize.

All that remains is your heart and  it knows it must do.

And this is a rather good thing.

The veils that obscure things are lifted and we can see our lives more clearly.

My friend Alane who is has stage 4 cancer  said it so beautifully in a post after learning that her latest chemo was not working:

“Even before I got this news…. I have been restrained in my new year’s sentiments. They have been chafing at me for some reason…like a stone in my shoe. I think it comes down to this: I don’t ascribe to making too many plans. Especially anything that involves a resolution.

If I know anything, my friends, it’s that you should celebrate every new day instead. Celebrate the uniqueness in every day. Enjoy your life. Get rid of the clutter ( not just those old clothes in the closet but also those commitments and especially those relationships that don’t bring you joy).

Don’t waste time doing things you don’t want to do. If you’re unhappy, make a change and do what makes you feel alive all the way to your core. Tell the people you love, admire, and are grateful for just how much they mean to you clearly and often. Give yourself a break.

Get off the guilt train and definitely quit hanging around regret station. The time is now. Your life is now. Don’t be shy or timid about your life.

The moment I started living was the moment I let myself do just that: LIVE. Make mistakes. Make love. Make peace. Bring joy. Be true. It is so, so worth it.

Because even though cancer sucks, and it really does suck SO MUCH, I am living the ab
solute greatest life EVER. I hope you will accept my invitation to join me.  I’ve been meaning to tell you that I really enjoy your company!” -Alane Davis

So, for today, I am spending time with my mom and taking care of what needs to be done and being gentle with myself. None of us knows what the future holds-  we just convince ourselves otherwise.  I am alive and LIVING.

I haven’t been doing much future planning,  but I did get to watch a tiny bit of TV last week- there is an absolutely LOVELY. Show on Netflix now Check out “Tidying Up with Marie Kondo” on Netflix

It’s not a makeover show- it’s a fresh way to see your life and home WITH SACRED EYES. I think you’ll love it!

There is a tool I encourage all Life Pirates in our private facebook group to use this year!
Life compass– its a free printable booklet! You can do it with friends or alone- the choice is yours!

With love, Sarah
Learn how to find your Beastie of the YEAR on your own here.

SHADOW LODGE-  March 29,30,31 A Yoga and shamanism retreat in Wisconsin!  Early bird DISCOUNT until Feb 1st!
Feb 5th and April 2nd from 6- 8 pm I will be teaching “Get Sourced” at Yoga North to help you find a spirit animal or spirit in human form to guide you! Call to register!
Band of the Sacred Heart Drum Circle 2019 dates (at Yoga North) 6- 8 pm
Jan 22
Feb 26
March 26
April 23
May 28

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