The Power of Sunrise and Allowing the Good to FLOW Into Your LIfe

Here are some ideas to help you SHOW up and GROW in your own life..and have a little FUN!
1. Something REALLY wonderful happened 🌻, then, I freaked out. 😰
Have you ever had something so good happen–or receive an offer ( a job, an intimate relationship…?) so wonderful that it sent you into a spiral of anxiety or fear? Maybe you blocked it. Maybe you ran the other way screaming. Or maybe you stayed there but were consumed with self-doubt or mild panic? At the end of June it happened to me. AGAIN. I offer some other helpful tips for handling this common experience. Read more here.
2. Make A Date with Somebody You Love and Watch the Sunrise:
I was thinking about how much I LOVE this time of day. I’ve dragged my kids, and friends in the car at 4:30 am to reach the beach in time to watch the sun rise many splendid times. It is always magic.
Joy Harjo‘s poem popped up this week and her words explained why I love it SO MUCH. It is THE most powerful time of day.
Remember the sky that you were born under,
know each of the star’s stories.
Remember the moon, know who she is.
Remember the sun’s birth at dawn, that is the
strongest point of time. Remember sundown
and the giving away to night.
Remember your birth, how your mother struggled
to give you form and breath. You are evidence of
her life, and her mother’s, and hers.
Remember your father. He is your life, also.
Remember the earth whose skin you are:
red earth, black earth, yellow earth, white earth
brown earth, we are earth.
Remember the plants, trees, animal life who all have their
tribes, their families, their histories, too. Talk to them,
listen to them. They are alive poems.
Remember the wind. Remember her voice. She knows the
origin of this universe.
Remember you are all people and all people
are you.
Remember you are this universe and this
universe is you.
Remember all is in motion, is growing, is you.
Remember language comes from this.
Remember the dance language is, that life is.
“Remember.” Copyright © 1983 by Joy Harjo from She Had Some Horses by Joy Harjo. Used by permission of W. W. Norton & Company, Inc.
There is something about being with the “Strongest point of time” that stenghthens ME. If you haven’t done it in a while, I highly recommend!
2. How to Complain Effectively: I stumbled across a HUGE TRUTH yesterday…basically it’s THIS: Whatever you are entirely sick of or disgusted by is fuel! Fuel for your creative fire!
“…the best way — and the only effective way — to complain about the way things are is to make new and better things, untested and unexampled things, things that spring from the gravity of creative conviction and drag the status quo like a tide toward some new horizon.”
~Maria Popova , The Marginalian
Read her whole post HERE.
What do you silently (or vocally!) complain about?
Do you hate how sappy and bland the greeting card selection is? Design a new series that’s SALTY and unusual and really make you want to SHOUT (and put your hands up!)
Are you so sick of the gross negative rhetoric of political commercials? Make a set of non-gross home-spun commercials that do what YOU WANT them to do…to UPLIFT…or inspire hope or whatever it is!
Sick of creepy new age books explaining animal spirit medicine in a way that feels creepy, scary or just plain inaccessible? Thats why I wrote The Book of Beasties! I wanted something that deeply invited people to feel safe to explore this topic!
Stop complaining and zip it ….CREATE instead!
3. If You’re Praying for a Miracle. Don’t Forget This Step. I’ve shared this before and it popped up this week again. We need more miracles in the world and one way to get more is to talk about them and share knowledge about how to make them happen. Here is a powerful teaching I received during a shamanic initiation. Listen to me tell the story here.
4. Everything Everywhere All At Once Husband. I feel in love with the Googly-EYE applying husband in this incredible film about an exhausted midlife mom with a struggling marriage, a controlling father and a daughter who is struggling to differentiate (maybe you can relate?). If you haven’t seen the film on Netflix yet- I highly recommend. The man who plays the husband was interviewed and listening to it will restore your faith in humanity. He is a TRUE GEM. Ke Huy Quan is an Academy Award-winning actor. Ke shares his experience escaping Vietnam after the war, what it was like landing his role in an Indiana Jones at such a young age, and his decision to quit acting in his 20s. LISTEN here.
5. Are You a Ferocious Sulker? When I stumble onto really great writing about marriage/partnership, I feel compelled to share it. I’ve sulked, to no avail, many times. The School of Life does a great job writing about the ideas of marriage.
“In love, we are liable to be, by instinct, ferocious sulkers. It’s not a terribly nice thing to own up to but the impulse is quasi-universal. Behind the sulk lies a deeply interesting, problematic and almost touching conviction. The sulker is gripped by the idea that being properly loved means being perfectly understood by someone else.
Sulking builds on some occasional deeply wonderful moments of childhood – typically repeated in the opening days of love – when we have the astonishing experience of being intuitively grasped by someone else in small and large areas. When we sulk, we’re silently referring to this beautiful notion and insisting that our partners live up to it. They naturally cannot. We wanted to tell them about our day, but they went on about the plumber. They went out and bought the wrong kind of ironing board without asking us – and it cost too much; they were deep in conversation when we were ready to leave the party… All these errors we may punish with vibrant and extensive sulks.
Ungracious though a sulk can seem, it is in fact a hopeful expression of love because when we sulk, we are assuming that the other person has an almost magical insight into our minds.” continue reading ALL of the ideas on marriage here.
Time doesn’t hear if you ask it to wait. ~Croatian proverb
What is it that you dearly long with all your heart to do?
How could you begin?
Could you use some support?
I’m taking NEW clients again on Thursdays!
You can go here to book your shamanic healing or coaching session.
with love,
P.S. My Art Mentor Kellie Day is Giving Classes Away! Free mixed media painting tutorials from Kellie day!
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Does your sacred space or healing studio need art? Please check out all of my available work here.
Local friends in and around Duluth…please SAVE THE DATE
A book launch party on Septemeber 24th from 7-9 pm with cupcakes and prosecco!
RSVP here at the facebook event to get updates.
Add here’s a link can use for pre-ordering the workbook from Zenith: