Read This Poem Every Day Until It Sinks In


(Image: Our documentary is an OFFICIAL SELECTION for the Duluth-Superior Film Festival and will screen on Sunday Oct 6th at 12:30 pm at Zinema in Duluth! I would love to see you there!)

Here’s this week’s list of feel good stuff!

1. Reading Brings Us Together.  My mother loved the New Yorker and I subscribed to it on and off but realized I only like the shouts and whispers and the satire.  This is a beautiful essay about an aging parent and a shared love of The New Yorker. Whether you share books  (or the New Yorker) with your sister, mom or matters.

“I was 26 when my boyfriend of three years finally ended our relationship, sending me into a reckoning with every un-distilled idea I had about the durability of true love. I called my mother every day for two weeks and sobbed into the receiver. She listened quietly and steadfastly until one day she interrupted with, “Do you need a subscription to The New Yorker?”

“Yes.” I whimpered.

Read the whole beautiful thing here:  For the Love of a Magazine

Ask somebody you love what they are reading and loving and share your favorite book this season!

2. Being a Creative is Sometimes Lonely. That’s why its so important to be sure you get out for coffees/walks or to find a way to be a part of a creative community somehow!  This artist NAILS it.

“Our work as artists is courageous and scary … It is a fragile process of teaching oneself to work alone, and focusing on how to hone your quirky creative obsessions so that they eventually become so oddly specific they can only be your own.”

Teresita Gonzalez

What are YOU obsessed about?

….for me it’s bears and mustard jars holding flowers signifying my mother, spiritual insights from a pachyderm named Alice, and, lately, painting postmenopausal tigers.  (see image below)

Play with your obsessions!  Write about them! This is making art!

3. A Quote Worth Reading Every Morning Until You Integrate It:  

You are perfect, only you don’t know it.

Learn to know yourself and you will discover wonders.

All you need is already within you, only you must approach yourself with reverence and love.

Self-condemnation and self-distrust are grievous errors.

Your constant flight from pain and search for pleasure is a sign of the love you bear for yourself;

all I plead with you is this: make love of yourself perfect.

Deny yourself nothing – give yourself infinity and eternity and discover that

you do not need them; you are beyond.

— Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

4. It’s NEVER too late to live your dream. I began painting, in earnest, in 2020 at age 52.

Like me, Isabella Ducrot, a painter in Rome, didn’t really pick up a brush until her 50s. Four decades later, galleries and museums throughout Europe are celebrating her work. Her work is DELIGHTFUL! Read her story here. 

At 57, my art is now in collections in Miami 🏝️ , Los Angeles 💫 , Colorado ⛰️ , Canada🇨🇦 , Chicago 🍕 , Palm 🏖️ , Atlanta 🏡, Portland, Seattle,  Minneapolis, annnnd Duluth, MN!!

It’s also in a wonderful non-profit’s exam room for kids and )soon!) in a residential home for kids who are in recovery from trauma.  I am so overjoyed!

Thank you so much for every single one of you who has liked/loved, purchased my art in any form, shared my posts and cheered me on!


You can see my available originals here. 

Prints and more are here.

Next week I am heading out for my first artist residency in Washburn Wisconsin, I am nervous and excited to see what work I will create in that beautiful place!  If you’re in the neighborhood, come see me at Ghost Ship Gallery Sept 7-21!

I’m taking NEW clients again on Thursdays!

You can go here to book your shamanic healing or coaching session. 

with love,

P.S. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases made from links here, and it adds nothing to your cost. You can see all of my favorite things here.  

This bedding is wonderfully comfy and I love it so much- I always get compliments on it when I give tours of our cabin!

Does your sacred space or healing studio need art?  Please check out all of my available work here. 

Local friends in and around Duluth…please  SAVE THE DATE
A book launch party on September 24th from 7-9 pm with cupcakes and prosecco!

RSVP here at the facebook event to get updates. 

Add here’s a link can use for pre-ordering the workbook from Zenith:

Saturday September 28 I will be at 47 degrees Art Gallery in Knife River, MN (47 Degrees
186 Alger Smith Road Knife River, MN 55609   tel: (218) 590-4532) from 11 to 5 pm signing copies of my new Boundaries Workbook – I may have a few art goodies with me too!  Its a part of the wonderful 2020 art tour.  

October 3-6 is the Duluth Superior Film Festival and the documentary I co-produced “Follow Your Feel Good: The Art of Sarah Seidelmann” is an  Official Selection of the Festival….screening time TBD. I will share more as soon as info is made available.

Friday October 11 I will be signing copies of my new Boundaries workbook at Hemlock’s Leather at 115 north 3rd avenue West Duluth, MN 55806  Its such a fun and beautiful shop- please come shop and say hi!

Saturday October 12 there will be an opening reception for my show at the Ely State Theatre from 5-6 pm! Come see the beautiful work I have prepared for you!

This newsletter is reader supported! I typed this from my BED (that’s a first!) just before bed!
 The best ways to support me are to:

1. Order my “How Good Are You WIlling to Let it Get?” CARD DECK  today.
2.  Take a CLASS from me.
3. Invest in yourself with a 1:1 session.
4. DOWNLOAD my APP for IOS for Divine Wild BEASTIE Support!
5.  BUY ONE OF MY (SOON TO BE) 7 BOOKS  OR   Listen to them at Audible 
6. Leave a brief review for any of my books at Amazon or Goodreads.
7. Purchase a print, mug, t-shirt, framed print, tote bag, shower curtain or other magical thing that I’ve created at MY ART SHOP.
8.Purchase an original painting from me. 
9. FORWARD this newsletter to somebody who you know would enjoy it!



Work With Me

Serve your soul. Feel good. Learn why this is the most powerful thing you can do.


Books & iPhone App

Do Beasties have a message for you? Are you irrepressible and born to FREAK?


Programs & Events

Live, love and learn how to Feel Good with Sarah - in person or online!


The Stoked Life

A 5-part pre-recorded course on how to approach life the way traditional Shamanic peoples would

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