
Woman of Medicine | Shamanic Mentor | Author


Sarah Seidelmann is a true medicine woman and everything she creates is good for what ails us.”

- Martha Beck, New York Times bestselling author of "The Way of Integrity."

Sarah Bamford Seidelmann is a 4th generation physician, accomplished author, artist, and shamanic healer.

Her celebrated and unconventional work aims to restore the soul.

Check out Sarah’s new Bounday Workbook!

Books by Sarah Seidelman


"This workbook shines a light on how you can turn any uncomfortable situation into boundary gold."

- Inger Kenobi, author of How Do I Look? The Year I Stopped Shopping"

What the Walrus Knows iPhone & iPad App

"I am hooked!
This app is So. Much. Fun. And it yields amazing insights. It is also a wonderful companion to Sarah’s delightful book, “THE BOOK OF BEASTIES” So many things to love about this app! It is simple to use and the beastie art and sounds are fabulous."


Featured Blog Posts

Never Stop Reaching and Applying, Pitching, and Submitting

June 12, 2024

My opening for my solo art show (my first official!) was a smash success and I’ve been on a high, ever since, from being with dear friends, famIly and spending time on the north shore of Lake Superior. NONE OF IT WOULD HAVE HAPPENED if I had not applied for the exhibit.  Which reminds me….don’t shy away from the applications, the submissions, the book proposals, the…

Pursuing A Dream Is What Heals Us

June 6, 2024

1. Pursuing A Dream Is What Heals Us. My husband and I drove down to visit his dad this weekend who just lost his wife recently.  He’s doing really well, and I asked him if any new dreams have emerged for him.  I have noticed that when people lose “their person”, it often has the effect of freeing them to get clear on a new dream. …

I m Still Using My Dead Father’s Shampoo

May 13, 2024

“The Pugs and Flowers Whispered Their Good Advice”- on show in Grand Marais June 1-30, 2024 at the Grand Marais Art Colony 1. I am still using my dead father’s shampoo.  He died almost 14 months ago and his “body enhancing” Paul Mitchell shampoo is in my shower.   It’s also taken me the better part of a year to work through one giant jug of Pantene…

A FREE CLASS on Creativity from Me + My Favorite Soma Yoga on Youtube

April 30, 2024

Dear readers, Mailchimp (or Mailchimp’s AI robot?) has apparently read my newsletters and encouraged me to more SKIMMABLE.  Gah! But, it’s so hard when you have so much to share! In this week’s message, I shall attempt to be PITHY and keep it under 300 words! Let me know what you think. A FREE CLASS I MADE! It’s 23 minutes long (it was created for…

The Biggest Reason to Do A Creative Soul Retrieval

April 15, 2024

Here are a few things that are giving me life…. 1. Quantity Versus Quality.  Years ago when I was doing some research for the 100 day project, I stumbled upon this extremely powerful information from David Bayles and Ted Orland’s book, Art & Fear:   I was reminded of it again last week by Austin Kleon! “A ceramics teacher announced on opening day that he was dividing…