Praise from a Family Therapist!
If you are a parent or a grandparent of a youngster or young adult who alternately delights and drives you a bit crazy, this is an excellent resource. If that child or adult is ADD, this is a both entertaining and absolutely honest book about those particular joys and frustrations. The ABC format is attractive, the author has a great sense of humor, and she does not shirk being vulnerable about her own life and experience as a person with ADD, not discovered until she was a mother of several children. This book offers hope, affirmation, and encouragement to those who feel “out of place” – and to those who know and love them. Most of us who have raised children and watched a generation or two grow up know that the kids who don’t feel they fit in are often the most interesting and go on to offer the world the sort of gifts we didn’t even know we needed…..Lest we forget, Ms Seidelmann has a wonderful list of these in her book.
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