Your Heart Can Hold It All


“Your Heart Can Hold It All” 36” x 36” acrylic and oil pastel on canvas. Original available. 600.00 US.
A beautiful friend of mine, Sabrina B Barr, has been posting photos of New York City that really touch me. She posted a beautiful one of Central Park last summer that was filled with humans lollygagging on the grass. I loved it! A few days later I sat in meditation with the intention to “rest in my heart” and suddenly I was shown how my heart was unexpectedly GINORMOUS-like it was connected to the Galactic HEART. My heart could hold everything! Inside there, I saw Central Park filled with people picnicking and resting.
My heart (and yours too?), it turns out, has infinite capacity to hold everybody and everything…even the people that I have a hard time accepting. There’s SO MUCH ROOM! There was also a disco ball, but I digress. I created this art to remember the vision. My heart has previously unknown capacity and I can rest there…along with EVERYTHING. I hope that the viewer will remember the innocence of the sweet and wild things inside themselves and find rest wherever they are.

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SKU: ART009-SMPLCS Category: