Why The “Thing” Is Not Easy, But It’s Worth It.


Hello dear creators of beauty and WONDER-

I’ve been thinking a lot about what success is and how to know when you are or when you’re not.  I love the above illustration because I think when we look at our own heroes ( a few of mine:  Martha Beck, My sister MariaSusan Hyatt, Anna Kunnecke, Suzi Vandersteen, Elizabeth Gilbert, Martha Atkins) it’s easy (and EXTREMELY seductive!!!) to think:
 “wow those cats just have that *magic*- that thing – everything they do turns out miraculously – for them…”.
Unless we talk to these people on a daily basis (and many of mine I DO!) we tend to forget that these people are experiencing the GRITTY UNDERBELLY OF THE ICEBERG on a daily basis.  They are sweating it out, making lists, doing yoga, petting their cats, crying into their dog’s belly, putting a lid on it, meditating, standing on stage, putting pen to paper, being willing again and again to continue doing their work.Why do they do all of this???  My hunch is because it’s worth it to them to keep going.  Because they yearn to serve, to make something better, to improve on what already exists, to feel useful, to collaborate,  to make the world a more amazing place…to share the HUGENESS that is contained within their hearts.

You too contain this ENORMOUSNESS in your heart:  That part of you you cannot help but long to share:)

And when you share it….whooooooooeeeeeee-  there is NOTHING better than that sweet feeling! It feels very, very good.  It makes our soul sing.

I’ve been clinging to that gritty underbelly myself this week as I rework a proposal (they didn’t love my first proposal) for a new book for children.  Part of me wants to give up (Gaaa!  What if they reject it a second time!??)…I am a sensitive  BORN TO FREAK human.  But I am going back in because I DO love the idea that a book could empower children and teach adults how to honor their kids in a fun and unique way!

As always, I’m here to help you with your work.  The underbelly of the iceberg can be less daunting with support through coaching and/or with help from our loving spirits:)  You can book a session here. 

With BIG love, Sarah


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