

One of the most magical ways to FEEL GOOD, for me has been via the Beasties and their messages. The intuitive insight we can “get” from noticing what animals are showing up in our lives (or even better by discovering a Core Beastie) is powerful stuff. One easy way to begin to play with this is by noticing what wild animals you are noticing (in the wild or on TV, facebook or even in your house:):):)….then asking ourselves what they might have to teach us.  I created What the Walrus Knows app to help other begin to make these wonderful connections.

Many of us are living “over civilized” lives and have lost our deep connection with nature. I rediscovered my own connection when I took a sabbatical for 6 months from Medicine. I began to connect strongly to the intuitive messages from nature as I became more curious.

Reconnecting to the sourced web of life is POWERFUL Stuff and can fuel your dreams! I think the Ancient path of Shamanism has so much to teach us……from knowing we all are connected… empowering anyone who chooses to practice it to receive powerful insights, unlimited love and the possibility of becoming a healer. I Shamanic Journey on a regular basis for my own personal practice.  I also share the practice of Shamanism and journeying with groups in person  and LOVE to do so!If you’d like to learn more and try journeying for yourself…check out SOURCED– its a 90 minute class I created just for you.

My book WHAT THE WALRUS KNOWS is a wonderful guide to get you started on this path of discovery if it sounds like it might FEEL GOOD?

If you are looking for a place to begin with connecting with the intuitive messages of Beasties and PREFER AUDIO , check out my Animal Attraction recordings. I’ll share my beginning and illustrate a simple way for you to begin plus many wonderful stories of Beasties and Ah -has from many others.




I also c-created a podcast with dear friend and fellow coach Tami McCall. Squirrel! Radio- on Itunes , named for the beloved Golden Retriever Doug from the Pixar movie “Up”, was dreamed up because we wanted to bring some of the sweetness, light and FUN into DEEP personal transformation…and to do it we use wild animals.




Work With Me

Serve your soul. Feel good. Learn why this is the most powerful thing you can do.


Books & iPhone App

Do Beasties have a message for you? Are you irrepressible and born to FREAK?


Programs & Events

Live, love and learn how to Feel Good with Sarah - in person or online!


The Stoked Life

A 5-part pre-recorded course on how to approach life the way traditional Shamanic peoples would